Chuck Norris’ Grandson Gets the Boot From Jonas Brothers’ Game Show ‘Claim to Fame’ for Cheating

Rule breakers might be seen as cool rebels in the movies, but on reality TV they just end up getting kicked off the show — just ask Chuck Norris’ grandson Maxwell Norris.

The younger Norris was summarily removed from the Jonas Brothers’ new reality competition series “Claim to Fame” — where mystery contestants try and guess the famous family members of one another — on Monday’s premiere for smuggling a cell phone into the game.

Contestants are banned from using personal cell phones in an attempt to eliminate cheating, yet hosts Kevin Jonas and Frankie Jonas revealed during the first elimination that Norris had done exactly that.

“As you know, when you came to the house, we took all your devices to protect your identities, keep away information, to make sure the game was fair to everyone,” said Kevin Jonas. “And one of you has broken that rule. As you guys know, we take this very seriously. We want you to take the game seriously. This is truly a competition.”

Cordell Walker would be ashamed, Maxwell.

Also Read:
Kevin and Frankie Jonas to Host ABC Competition Series ‘Claim to Fame’

Norris’ famous family relation was then revealed to the cast as he was eliminated from the competition. His fellow contestants couldn’t help but spare a parting jab as he was out the door.

“Why the hell would you cheat?” cast member Logan said. “I’d be nervous to go home to my grandfather, and my grandfather ain’t even Chuck Norris. So good luck. Have fun, Max.”

In ABC’s “Claim to Fame,” 12 celebrity relatives compete against each other to uncover the famous familial ties of their fellow contestants while keeping their own identity a secret. Each week, one player is named “the guesser” and needs to successfully out another cast member’s Hollywood connection or be eliminated. The winner will claim a cash prize of $100,000.