Chris Wang's wife breaks silence following sexual harassment allegations

23 Jun – After keeping mum for the past three days since husband Chris Wang Yu-Sheng was accused of sexual harassment, his wife Lin Yixian finally broke her silence on social media.

On 21 June, Lin posted a message on Facebook, apologising to many people for worrying them over her silence, and thanking many for all the support that came her way.

"There are many people for me to apologise to but many more to thank. Mum and dad, sorry to have made you worry. Thank you, sis, for always supporting my decision. Dear friends, thank you for believing. Family, thank you for your support," she wrote.

"All I can do is keep working hard for the people who still believe. Because my partners are continuing to work, I should do the same. I also have to put in more effort than everyone else."

However, Lin, who has been married to Chris since 2015, made no mention regarding her husband's #MeToo case.

It is noted that Chris previously apologised on social media after four women came forth accusing him of behaving inappropriately. The actor admitted to his wrongdoing on 18 June, writing on Facebook, "I'm sorry for the damage and trauma caused by my actions. I am very, very sorry."

Lin and Chris have two children together
Lin and Chris have two children together

(Photo Source: Chris Wang Yu-Sheng FB)