Chef Wan jokes about becoming Yul Brynner due to hair fall



24 Aug – Always the sunny person, Chef Wan recently took to social media to share about his hair fall issue, stemming from chemotherapy.

On 22 August, the renowned chef, who previously revealed that he has lymphoma, posted several strands of his fallen hair on Instagram, and revealed that he shed more hair over his pillow that morning as well as when he had his morning shower.

"There are [heaps] of them like winter sonata in the beautiful months of Autumn. Just like u hear the sad lyrics of the song Autumn Leaves. Soon I must say goodbye to all my wonderful hair that was blessed upon me to have a more senior Yul [Brynner] look in the movie Anna and The King," he wrote.


Chef Wan shares this photo of his hair fall
Chef Wan shares this photo of his hair fall


The movie he meant was the 1956's "The King and I", which has Yul Brynner, most popular for his shaved head, played King Mongkut, the King of Siam.

"This is life, as one must remember that we will never remain in this life forever. Life goes on....Que sera sera. But one must also remember there always Hope... I am not afraid of losing them as they all belong to Allah. And in the end, to Him we will return. Millions before me has lost their beautiful crown of glory and once their chemo cycle has ended, they will gain them back in no time," he added.

Chef Wan stated that people in movies often expressed sadness over the loss of their hair, but never once thought about how hair falls daily to be replaced by new ones.

"As long as I don't look like a toyol," he added, jokingly.


Come on, we all have a crush on Yul Brynner as King Mongkut!
Come on, we all have a crush on Yul Brynner as King Mongkut!


(Photo Source: Chef Wan IG, IMDb)