Charlene Choi's birthday surprise for Gillian Chung goes awry

24 Jan - Charlene Choi couldn't help but feel a little bit annoyed that her birthday surprise for Gillian Chung didn't go as planned.

As reported on Mingpao, the singer, who performed the first show of her and Gillian's Twins Spirit concert in Hong Kong on 21 January, which also marks Gillian's 43rd birthday, made an arrangement where she will lead the audience in singing Gillian a birthday song on stage.

She also arranged for yellow and blue cards on the audiences' seats that they will hold up during the birthday segment.

While she planned for the words "GIL HBD" to appear when the cards are held up, Charlene was surprised to find that there were audiences who decided to swap the cards prior to the segment. Consequently, the words that were intended turned into a jumbled mess.

Speaking to Gillian following the birthday song, Charlene said, "I have worked hard for this. It's fine. I will show you the original photo."

They ended the show with the song, "Kite and the Wind".

However, Charlene did wish Gillian on social media, posting, "Happy birthday to my one and only."

The birthday surprise didn't go as planned
The birthday surprise didn't go as planned

(Photo Source: Gillian Chung IG, Mingpao)