Charlene Choi distanced from Edison Chen

Charlene Choi distanced from Edison Chen

18 Dec – Pop star Charlene Choi was not allowed to come in close contact with Edison Chen since the photo scandal with Twins group mate Gillian Chung.

According to MingPao, during a promotional event for the movie "Streets of Macao" held in Macau recently, the two celebrities were deliberately kept apart from each other throughout the event by their assistants.

Apart from appearing on the red carpet separately, the assistants made special arrangements so that the interviews for both of them would not be for the same media. Choi and Chen were even placed 10 meters apart when making a toast on the stage.

When approached by reporters on this special arrangement, both Choi and Chen denied that they were avoiding each other and would greet the other if they bumped into one another.

"Everyone hopes to wish others well, I hope he can return to a new position," Choi said when asked if she would collaborate with Chen on future movies.

Although both of them agreed to have their photos taken together, Choi's assistant didn't allow the photo session to happen by saying that no one should be kept waiting during the event.

Choi's Twins group mate Gillian Chung was embroiled in a photo scandal with Edison Chen, when intimate photos of them were leaked onto the Internet in 2008. Since then, Chung has kept her distance from Chen to avoid further controversy.