Chantel Yiu is not ready to hold solo concert for now

2 Oct - While fellow teen singer Gigi Yim is set to hold her concert soon, Chantel Yiu recently stated that she is not ready to commit to such a big project just yet.

As reported on Mingpao, the 17-year-old, who appeared at her birthday event held by her official fan club, shared that she hasn't reached the level to hold her own concert yet, but that she hopes to do so in the future.

"I won't do it until I become an adult. There is no particular reason for that. I just want to be more mature and work with more singers," she said.

Asked if she has any ambition of performing at the coveted Hong Kong Coliseum, Chantel responded, "Of course it's my goal."

The singer also expressed her support for Gigi, saying that she hopes the singer will not put too much pressure on herself.

"Aska [Cheung] and I have held shows before, so I know it's not easy. It's even more stressful when you have to sing alone. She needs to take good care of her voice and get more rest," she said.

On the other hand, Chantel stated that she plans to be financially independent as soon as she turns 18 next year.

Asked if she would study in Hong Kong after finishing high school, the singer said that that is the plan.

"Hong Kong has always been my home. It is more convenient to be closer to my family. But it doesn't matter if I study in Hong Kong or abroad, my family will support my decision," she added.

Gigi Yim is holding her concert this month
Gigi Yim is holding her concert this month

(Photo Source: Chantel Yiu IG, Gigi Yim IG)