Carlos Chan learns to cherish family in his 30s



6 Mar - Carlos Chan recently revealed that he has only learned to cherish his family as he reached 30 years of age.

The 37-year-old actor, who stars in the new movie, "We Are Family", shared that he worked too hard in his 20s to really care about the people around him, and only realised the importance of a family as he entered the big 3-0.

"No matter how much money I make, what I want most is to see my family happy. Especially now, after I got married and have my own family, I realised how hard it was for my parents to raise my sister and me. Now, when I am tired, I can go home and ignore everything, but my parents, even when they were home, they still had to take care of us," he said.


Carlos and wife Shiga Lin are expecting their first baby
Carlos and wife Shiga Lin are expecting their first baby


Carlos also stated that he realised now how much he and his sibling must have broken his parents' hearts, especially whenever they got angry that the food their mother cooked were not up to their taste.

In the new movie, Carlos plays a man from a broken family who establishes a company with a single mother (Catherine Chau) where they provide a rental family service. The two then hired a movie extra (Eric Tsang) as well as a charterer (Kelly Tien Niu) to join the service, finally realising that they have become a family of their own.


Eric, Kelly, Catherine and Carlos star in 'We Are Family'
Eric, Kelly, Catherine and Carlos star in 'We Are Family'


(Photo Source: Carlos Chan IG,Mingpao)