Carlos Chan denies infected by Wuhan coronavirus
21 Jan – Altough he has been sick for the past few weeks, Carlos Chan recently assured everyone that he is not infected with the disease known as the Wuhan coronavirus.
As reported on Epoch Times, the actor who was coughing from time to time during his appearance at the promotional event of his new movie in Tsim Sha Tsui recently, stressed that his condition was not because of the pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan that first began since late last year.
"I have been sick for nearly three weeks now. I didn't see the doctor and just bought a cough medicine at Christmas. But after drinking it, it only caused skin allergies and made me cough even more that I had to go to the hospital," he said.
Carlos said that the doctors were not able to determine his exact illness, but believe it to be stress-induced issue that caused a problem in his immune system.
"As soon as I stop using western medicine, my skin allergy will start again," he added.
It is reported that since the outbreak of the pneumonia in Wuhan, there have been suspected cases reported in other places including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam.
(Photo Source: Carlos Chan Instagram)