Here’s a bunch of nerdy, adorable dads dancing with their babies because bonding

Here’s a bunch of nerdy, adorable dads dancing with their babies because bonding
Here’s a bunch of nerdy, adorable dads dancing with their babies because bonding

If you haven’t met your coo-ing quota for the day, don’t worry because we’ve got you. A bunch of nerdy, adorable dads are dancing with their babies in order to bond with the little bundles of joy, and it’s the sweetest sight ever. According to Bored Panda, this most heartwarming boogiefest comes courtesy of San Diego-based studio GroovaRoo’s Babywearing dance class, which looks as awesome as it sounds. File this under heart-melting dad gestures because the feels have completely consumed us.

If you can’t quite imagine a room full of dads wearing babies in their carriers, while getting their collective groove on in the name of fitness and bonding, there are videos of the classes all over the internet that people cannot stop themselves from watching over and over again. In fact, one of the dad-baby dancing videos has racked up 45 million views and counting on Facebook — the world loves these doting daddies, y’all.

Sure the babies are the main attraction, but these hip-swiveling, fist-pumping fathers are where it’s at:

*PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC* Line Dance (created by GroovaRoo Dance)

This is our final "Mommy Mingle, Daddy Dance" class before the birth of our baby boy, Aemon Koa. For a bunch of dads that claim they don't dance, they were "dancin' and singin' and movin' to groove" just to show these mamas how much they appreciate them. And that's the greatest love of all!

Posted by GroovaRoo Dance on Monday, May 16, 2016

GroovaRoo even did a “Boomers & Babies” Valentine’s Day dance where three generations were invited to bust out their best moves together:

GroovaRoo *BOOMERS & BABIES* V-Day Playdate - Part One

I can't think of a better way to celebrate Valentine's Day that having three generations dancing together to the music of Motown. Now that's what true Soul Love is. <3 #normalizefamilydancing

Posted by GroovaRoo Dance on Wednesday, February 15, 2017

GAH! Our hearts can’t handle any more. The studio’s founders Amber and Meeshi Ravi Anjali are beyond grateful for all the social media love they continue to receive. Amber told TODAY Parents,

“There aren’t a lot of activities where moms can feel comfortable bringing their babies and getting a workout.” She added, “They come for the exercise, but then through the process, they find a community.”

*ICE ICE BABY* Line Dance (created by GroovaRoo Dance)

"If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it...Vanilla Ice, Ice Baby!" <3

Posted by GroovaRoo Dance on Saturday, March 12, 2016

Too cute. We won’t be surprised if all of these babies grow up to become die-hard dancing machines.