Buah Keluak Chicken Chop & Laksa Pizza at secret Peranakan-Western stall, closing this month

If you search “Peranakan Western” right now, this hidden gem will probably top the list. Renowned for plates of Peranakan-inspired Western dishes that mostly cost under S$10, PangiNut at Ang Mo Kio is unfortunately ceasing operations in June.

Although the stall was scheduled to close in April, PangiNut’s founder, Chef Jarrod Poh decided to stick around for another 2 months to try and keep the kopitiam that housed his first F&B venture afloat.

Pangi Nut - Storefront
Pangi Nut - Storefront

BTW, he is not your ordinary chef. Packing 35 years of F&B experience under his belt, Chef Jarrod is an ex-SHATEC graduate, an ex-Executive Chef, an ex-Chef Consultant for start-up companies and an ex-Senior Chef at 1-Altitude, Singapore’s highest rooftop bar and fine dining restaurant. Undoubtedly impressive.

But most importantly, he is a Peranakan through and through.

Pangi Nut - Jarrod Poh
Pangi Nut - Jarrod Poh

With that many credentials, you would imagine his business to be faring quite well. So, why the closure? This is due to the limitations of PangiNut’s current location and stall space. “70% of customers stay around that area. As it is not really accessible, some customers just lose their way trying to find us,” explained Chef Jarrod.

Fun fact, the beloved fusion stall’s menu is based on “agak agak” family recipes from his ma and grandma. Think a cookbook filled with enigmatic instructions like “cut a 20¢ amount of ginger” or “add a 70¢ amount of turmeric.” Chef Jarrod laughs as he tells us, “Her tablespoon and my tablespoon are different… so need to fine-tune!”

Nevertheless, this guesstimate cooking method did not faze Chef Jarrod at all, and he proceeded with countless trial-and-error sessions to keep flavours consistent.

Despite the said ulu location (since February 2023), PangiNut has successfully garnered its fair share of loyal customers who are eager to get their hands on his authentic Peranakan-infused dishes “made from the heart.

Pangi Nut - Buah Keluak Chicken Chop
Pangi Nut - Buah Keluak Chicken Chop

You may have heard of Ayam Buah Keluak but what about Buah Keluak Chicken Chop (S$8)? In hopes of introducing Nyonya cuisine to younger generations, Chef Jarrod’s rendition of the buah keluak is surprisingly light on the palate.

Served with homemade achar, garlicky aglio olio pasta, savoury potato wedges with lime mayo and fresh broccoli, the tender Chicken Chop is perfect for those who are intimidated by the sable-coloured buah keluak or pangium.

Sound familiar? Yes, the ‘PangiNut’ name stems from this quintessential Peranakan ingredient.

Pangi Nut - Beef Rendang Pasta
Pangi Nut - Beef Rendang Pasta

I bet that you have not heard these either: Rendang Beef Pasta (S$9) and Seafood Nyonya Laksa Pizza (S$9). While the intense yet fragrant spaghetti is coated in rendang gravy and dotted with tantalising minced beef, the punchy pizza is meticulously made from scratch and topped with juicy shrimp!

Good news: This is not the end of PangiNut.

According to Chef Jarrod, the stall is still looking for another home. This time, the new location will not only be more accessible, but it will also feature new items like Ayam Penyet Confit Sio and Rendang Chicken Chop in addition to the current menu, which has over 50 items.

Will you be heading down to sate those hunger pangs?

The post Buah Keluak Chicken Chop & Laksa Pizza at secret Peranakan-Western stall, closing this month appeared first on SETHLUI.com.