Bryce Dallas Howard says she doesn't want her kids to think dieting is acceptable

Bryce Dallas Howard speaks out about the pressure to diet. (Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Bryce Dallas Howard speaks out about the pressure to diet. (Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Bryce Dallas Howard doesn't let diet culture infiltrate her household.

The Jurassic World star, 41, spoke to Us Weekly about why she doesn't discuss weight loss with her kids Theodore, 15, and Beatrice, 10. She explained, "In my household, 'dieting' is a dirty word. Like, everyone knows that dieting and any kind of [negative] critiques of oneself that you wouldn't give to another [aren't OK]."

Howard said that she is "just not gonna tolerate my kids treating themselves disrespectfully, because I wouldn't tolerate my kids treating anyone else disrespectfully," calling out society for creating an environment of "judgment" and "critique."

"That's not something that I echo in my household or allow to be a part of a conversation," the Black Mirror alum shared. "We do things that are supportive of our health and we don't try to change things that cannot be changed [or] that is actually in contradiction with our health."

Howard has previously pushed back against the idea that losing weight is necessary to work in the film industry. In a September interview with Metro, she said that she was asked by producers not to use her "natural body" while filming the Jurassic World franchise. She said director Colin Trevorrow stood up for her and insisted she didn't diet.

"On the third movie, it was actually because there were so many women cast, it was something that Colin felt very strongly about in terms of protecting me…because the conversation came up again, 'We need to ask Bryce to lose weight,'" she said. "He was like, 'There are lots of different kinds of women on this planet and there are lots of different kinds of women in our film' and I got to do so many stunts that wouldn’t have been possible if I had been dieting."

In a 2017 interview with The Wrap for her image-focused episode of Black Mirror, titled "Nosedive," Howard again spoke about the pressures put on women to look a certain way. She explained, "Society puts all this scrutiny on women's bodies, which in a way serves to make us go insane and distract us from what's really important."

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