Bruce Lee's relationship with Betty Ting gets published

Bruce Lee's relationship with Betty Ting gets published

15 Jul - A new tell-all book about late action star Bruce Lee will reveal secrets about his romance with former Taiwanese actress Betty Ting Pei, according to Focus Taiwan.

The new book, entitled "The Old Days of Bruce Lee and Me: Half a Lifetime of Practice, a Lifelong Memory", reportedly is a collection of an interview with the actress herself.

It is scheduled to go on sale in China beginning 20 July, the same date with the actor's 42nd anniversary of passing, though no information has been revealed about an international edition.

Bruce Lee passed away in 1973 in Betty's residence in Hong Kong after a dinner meeting with producer Raymond Chow about the making of the film, "Game of Death".

Betty had since been linked to his death, after she was revealed to have given him an analgesic, Equagesic, which contains the tranquilizer meprobamate. Chow later alleged that Bruce died due to an allergic reaction to the tranquilizer, and doctors ruled it as 'death by misadventure'.

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