Bowie Wu takes comfort that wife left with a smile

20 Oct - Veteran actor Bowie Wu looked emotionally spent as he appeared in front of the media for the first time since the death of his beloved wife, Lui Wing Ho.

As reported on On CC News, the actor, who held a memorial service at the Universal Funeral Parlor recently, thanked the media for their visit, and said, "My wife was blessed. She was able to spend her last moments with everybody in the family, including her children, in-laws, grandchildren and great grandchildren."

"I take comfort in the fact that she left with a smile," he added.

However, the actor couldn't hold in his sadness as he talked about Lui's last wish.

"She wanted to be discreet and not cause any troubles. But I wouldn't have guessed that this would be all over the news. I think I have to apologise to her," he said.

When asked what he said to his wife before she left, Bowie stated that he told her that she need not worry about the family and that they would take good care of each other.

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