Bowie Wu saddened by Lily Leung's death

6 Sep – Veteran actor Bowie Wu couldn't help but shed a tear when speaking about good friend, the late actress Lily Leung, who passed away last month.

As reported on Mingpao, the actor, who attended the memorial service held at the Universal Funeral Parlour recently, stated that the day of the actress' passing was a sad day for all of their colleagues.

"She had always been very popular with people, and a role model for all women," he said.

Bowie admitted that he also felt a bit guilty as they never got to fulfil her wish to perform Richard Tauber's "One Day When We Were Young" together.

"A few years ago, while we were shooting a drama together, we started singing [the song]. She wanted to perform this song with me on television, but it never came to fruition. But we did get to sing it together during her birthday last year, so that was a little comfort," he said.

Among other stars who sent their condolences and flower wreaths include Chow Yun Fat, Adam Cheng, Liza Wang, Nancy Wu, Myolie Wu, and Zoie Tam.

Lily passed away on 13 August after a week of hospitalisation. She was 90.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)