Munah and Hirzi: Aiming for the top
They tell it like it is and for that reason, you either love ‘em or hate ‘em. Wacky and controversial YouTube stars Munah, 25, and Hirzi, 24, have been doing their thang for the last five years: shoot-from-the-hip video commentary of social issues that is incisive, brutal and laced with sarcasm. Their street cred is clear for all to see: their YouTube channel, Munah Hirzi Official (MHO) has over 36 thousand channel subscribers. Together, their more than 200 videos have amassed a total of over 11 million views. And in Part 2 of this interview, Yahoo! Singapore reporter NURUL AZLIAH finds out they’re just getting started.
They’re aiming for the top, the very top.
Having overcome tough challenges in recent years to be where they are now, media provocateurs - now Fly Entertainment artistes - Munah and Hirzi are stronger, even more daring and no one’s going to tell them they can’t dream of breaking into Hollywood – that’s right, Tinseltown itself.
To the critics and doubters, they may not be that far away.
Late last year, the wacky YouTube stars were approached by US online content network, Makers’ Studios, and invited to The Streamy Awards, which honours excellence in original web video content.
Despite calling The Streamy Awards “the Oscars of YouTube”, the duo opted instead to focus on completing their school commitments and revisit the opportunity once they are better prepared.
“Before we go international, MHO needs to undergo reconstruction because we realised that the content cannot reflect our 18-year-old selves anymore as we are now in our mid-20s,” said Hirzi, referring to the duo’s popular YouTube channel.
“There’s so many things going on especially with school and we don’t want to create things that are very half done. But we really can’t believe we were approached by Makers’ Studios -- this is such milestone for us,” added the 24-year-old who is pursuing his degree in Creative Producing at the prestigious Chapman University.
One of MHO's famous 'Celebrity 10 Dares' videos featuring comedy greats such as Kumar and Najip Ali, earning them just over 90,000 views.
Presenting Hubab and Nadiah
Part of that “reconstruction” entails bringing in new faces to refresh the brand and content. Cue Hubab Hood and Nadiah M. Din, who have been making regular appearances on MHO since early 2012.
So how did they find Hubab and Nadia?
Honestly, they can’t even remember, although they did say it probably came from their habit of stalking good-looking people on Facebook and for Hirzi, screen-capping them for keepsake.
Hirzi said that the new twosome started out behind the camera shooting videos before he saw the comic potential in them and decided to recruit them.
“Imagine a buff jock taking the role of makciks, I think it’s plain hilarious,” said Hirzi about Hubab.
A behind-the-scenes video for "The Hossan Leong Show - Flying Solo", which took place in 2012.
‘Go with your dream’
And just before the interview with Yahoo! Singapore ended, the duo urged teens who dream of becoming stars in their own right one day to dream big and “not wait for it to fall on your lap”.
“You have to work for it, even when people reject you and refuse to help,” said Munah.
“Don’t stop your wish at a template that’s already been done before. I see people who want to replicate and become the next Aaron Aziz, but who’s to stop you from becoming the next Hollywood star?” added Hirzi.
As a tip, Hirzi tells talented youngsters to “shout out your wishes out to those around you and don’t be ashamed of it”.
“When I was in school, I told my friends I’m going to be in Suria one day and they all laughed at me. Now, I am in Suria,” Hirzi said, who has now told a friend he will get an Academy Award Oscar one day.
Writing for “The Hossan Leong Show -- Flying Solo”, starring in “Happily Ever Laughter” and leading their very own television show on Suria channel were achievements Munah and Hirzi never thought possible, but they credited their success to being willing to push the boundaries.
“Pushing the limits is the most beautiful thing to try in Singapore, or else, our creative future will just be a stamp of what it was before,” Hirzi said.
Now, even long-time drag comedian, Kumar, is a fan.
“I’ve seen Hirzi’s work and I must say that he is a very good writer. I remember reading his script and I was laughing from start to the end,” he said.
When asked if Munah and Hirzi could break into Hollywood, Fly Entertainment actor Bobby Tonelli said, "Yes I believe they have the ability to do well in Hollywood. Just look at Hirzi's '10 Dares in California' videos for example. He is daring to do all these stunts in a foreign country and they loved it. Good comedy is universal."
Who runs the world? Munah and Hirzi.