The Best 'I Think You Should Leave' Season Three Memes

i think you should leave season three
The Best 'I Think You Should Leave' Season 3 MemesTerence Patrick - Netflix

Watching I Think You Should Leave is always a riot, but the real success of the show is whether I can turn lines from the show into jokes that make my friends laugh. Then, they think I'm the one who's funny. In fact, maybe no one else should watch I Think You Should Leave Season Three, because I want to claim all these jokes for myself. Due credit to Tim Robinson, the new lord of comedy—but nothing is better than getting a laugh.

Still, I Think You Should Leave is a very popular Netflix comedy, making even some of the most obscure lines common Internet memes. I can't even post about getting sloppy steaks with the Dangerous Nights crew anymore without everyone knowing where it's from. But I'm happy that ITYSL is so well-liked, because I would trade anything in the world for 5,000 more seasons. From the memes I've seen online already, it seems most of you agree. So, let's laugh together. Here's a round-up of our favorites from the new season, and hopefully we can manifest a Season Four renewal by the end of the week.

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