The best books of the year, according to our books editor

a group of books
The best books of 2022Good Housekeeping UK

Book lovers have certainly been spoilt with a veritable feast of fantastic fiction and non-fiction over the last 12 months, from literary gems to moving memoir. Picking just 20 books wasn't an easy job but I loved every single one of the books on this list. If you haven't read them yet, enjoy!

In Memoriam by Alice Winn

Teenagers Henry and Sidney meet at boarding school in 1914 and, despite their tender ages, are sent to the front to fight, their love for each other unexpressed. First love, class, male camaraderie and the horrors of war are all explored in this quietly heartbreaking epic with the unforgettable appeal of Birdsong.

All the Little Bird-Hearts by Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow

Sunday Forrester still lives in the house she grew up in and keeps her life small and manageable, just as she likes it. Then glamorous new neighbours Vita and Rollo open up her world – but things turn sinister when they begin to take an interest in Sunday’s 16-year-old daughter Dolly. I was drawn in by the lyrical writing and stayed for the growing tension.

Water by John Boyne

Another slice of emotional storytelling from the author of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. This is the first in a planned quartet of loosely linked novels and opens with a woman arriving on an island off the coast of Galway with a new name and newly shorn hair. As the story progresses, it becomes clear she is fleeing a scandal involving her ex-husband and dealing with guilt about her complicity.

Absolutely & Forever by Rose Tremain

Given its slimness, this beautifully written novel really packs a big emotional punch. It perfectly captures the intense feelings of first love and the shifting societal attitudes to women in the 1950s and 1960s. At 15, Marianne falls obsessively in love with Simon and even after they both marry other people, she remains infatuated.

North Woods by Daniel Mason

This stunning novel spans 400 years and many lives, all tied together by a house in the New England woods. It begins with a couple on the run, fleeing a Puritan community before the girl is forced into an arranged marriage. Over the centuries, we meet a haunted horticulturist, jealous twins and an amateur detective investigating a mass murder, set against some beautiful writing on nature.

Swimming For Beginners by Nicola Gill

Loretta has her life all planned out – challenging job, engaged to a nice but dull man – and it definitely doesn’t include children. Then, an unexpected tragedy at an airport throws six-year-old Phoebe, complete with glitter fairy wings, into her life and upends it completely. The perfect mix of funny, poignant and heartwarming.

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Few authors can match Patchett in her skill for creating quietly profound novels that stay with readers long after the final page. Her latest is a moving story of youthful love, marriage and motherhood. In the spring of 2020, Lara’s three daughters return home to the family cherry farm, and as they pick the harvest, they quiz their mum about her past.

Bliss & Blunder by Victoria Gosling

A retelling of the Arthurian myth might sound like hard work, but this modern take – in which Arthur is a tech magnate and Gwen an Instagram influencer – is funny and fresh. Throw in a love triangle, blackmail and someone hellbent on revenge, and you have a gripping read.

The Wren, The Wren by Anne Enright

The Booker Prize-winner returns with a thoughtful novel about three generations of women living in the shadow of fictional Irish poet Phil McDaragh, an abusive womaniser. It explores how trauma is passed from mother to daughter, with sublime writing and beautiful poetry.

The Bee Sting by Paul Murray

This Booker Prize-shortlisted novel tells the story of a once-wealthy Irish family who are down on their luck after an economic slump. Balancing humour with poignancy, Murray shows us the interior lives of Dickie, the patriarch whose car dealership is about to fold, his glamorous wife Imelda and their two kids, teenager Cass and 12-year-old PJ. Each voice is distinct and create a believable, absorbing picture of a family in crisis.

Hello Beautiful by by Ann Napolitano

This modern-day homage to the literary classic Little Women is the story of the four Padavano sisters, who are close in age – and in every other way. Into this happy family comes William, boyfriend of the eldest sister Julia, whose trauma from his difficult childhood threatens to shake the sisters’ loyalty to one another.

Pet by by Catherine Chidgey

In her native New Zealand, Chidgey is a household name and this taut, tense psychological drama deserves to be her breakout book here. When new teacher Mrs Price arrives at 12-year-old Justine’s school, she’s followed by rumours of a mysterious past. Her pupils are quickly infatuated but soon learn that becoming her ‘pet’ means paying a price.

Talking At Night by Claire Daverley

This stunning novel tells the story of Will and Rosie, who meet as teenagers and seem destined to be together, until tragedy strikes. Tender and true, the writing is lyrical and emotional. I expect big things to come from the talented Daverley.

Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld

If you want romance with snark, this is the book for you. The writing is as funny and intelligent as you’d expect from the author of American Wife. Sally Milz is a writer on a TV sketch show who has sworn off relationships – until pin-up pop star Noah comes on as a guest…

This Family by Kate Sawyer

After Rosie’s mum dies she acquires two half-sisters. Years later the three of them are back together for a family wedding and the tensions that have been simmering come to the surface. I adored this atmospheric family drama that sings with emotion.

We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman

I’ve already passed this beautiful book on to so many people. Edi and Ash have been best friends for more than 40 years and have seen each other through everything. Now, Edi has cancer and Ash vows to be there for her, no matter what. Although this is a book about death, there’s so much joy in it, as well as a wonderful message about seizing the day.

Absolution by Alice McDermott

A woman looks back on the early years of her marriage in this stunning novel set in 1960s Saigon. When Tricia follows her husband on a posting to Vietnam, she meets fellow US expat Charlene, a rule-breaker who takes her under her wing and comes to dominate her.

After The Funeral by Tessa Hadley

Every word is perfection in this short-story collection from the critically acclaimed Hadley, who excels at writing about the small earthquakes that shake up ordinary lives. Each of the 12 stories explores loss in its many forms – Dido’s Lament, about a woman who crosses paths with her ex, is particularly haunting.

The Wakes by Dianne Yarwood

Looking for a distraction after her marriage fails, Clare agrees to help her neighbour Louisa run her catering business and it takes her life in a new direction. There are funerals, friendships and people falling in love in this fabulous debut that carries a reminder to be grateful for what you have.

Oh, Sister by Jodie Chapman

This powerful read follows the lives of three different women who are all connected by the same extreme religion and who have been disfellowed from the cult because they are judged as having gone against the religion's beliefs. Each of the woman’s voices is distinct and movingly told.

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