Bedok Chwee Kueh doubles its portion and price to $1.20 for hygienic purposes

Whilst hawker centres are known for being a hive for all things delicious and cheap, it’s honestly not the cleanest of places to dine in. However, the famous Bedok Chwee Kueh takes its cleanliness a step further by doubling the sizes of its chwee kueh.

Bedok Chwee Kueh - Exterior Shot
Bedok Chwee Kueh - Exterior Shot

You may ask, “What has that got to do with cleanliness?” It turns out that all 7 outlets of Bedok Chwee Kueh use over 5,000 to 10,000 metal bowls daily, and you can imagine amount of work, labour and manpower needed to clean those up, especially when they have to be scrubbed by hand!

The larger portion, which essentially combines 2 small kuehs into 1, is expected to cut down the number of bowls needed to be cleaned by half. However, the catch is that each portion of Chwee Kueh is now priced at S$1.20 instead of S$0.60, which is fair enough since you’re essentially paying for 2 pieces anyways.

Bedok Chwee Kueh - Note
Bedok Chwee Kueh - Note

This move has led to some confused patrons who mistakenly thought the price had increased due to inflation. While that may probably happen in the future, Bedok Chwee Kueh has pasted a note at its stalls indicating what customers are paying for. It even has two bowls below the note, showcasing their different sizes.

Bedok Chwee Kueh - Chwee Kueh
Bedok Chwee Kueh - Chwee Kueh

What you’re left with are XL chwee kuehs that are as big as the palm of some people. On the bright side, it does make the chwee kueh from Bedok Chwee Kueh a possible communal snack or side dish, as I’ve personally never met anyone who can eat this much chwee kueh.

Who knew you could bulk up with a few very large pieces of chwee kueh?

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