Bean Brothers BB: We visited KL’s first espresso bar for really atas coffee

There are two types of coffee drinkers— one who drinks for survival and one who drinks coffee, analyses and can accurately identify the beans and the temperature they were roasted at. As one from the former group trying to squeeze into the latter, I decided to visit Bean Brothers Bukit Bintang, KL’s first espresso bar.

Bean Brothers Espresso Bar
Bean Brothers Espresso Bar

Bean Brothers boasts a vast array of coffee varieties from around the globe and they strive to connect people through coffee. Located in the corner of Starhill, Bean Brothers was packed with coffee drinkers from the surrounding office complex and visitors of Bukit Bintang.

What I tried at Bean Brothers

Bean Brothers Espresso Bar - Interior
Bean Brothers Espresso Bar - Interior

Arriving at about 3pm, the “bar” was packed to the brim and I had to scramble to find a place to fit in within the hipsters. Unlike your typical coffee shop, the menu at Bean Brothers featured coffee beyond the realms of your regular latte and americano.

I ordered their signature Espresso Con Panna (RM9.50) which is said to have a strong and flavourful espresso base with a chilled and velvety layer on top. Next, I got their Einspänner (RM15) which is essentially iced black coffee topped with sweet cream ala an affogato. My final coffee order was the Espresso Romano (RM9.50), an espresso served with a candied coffee garnish.

All that coffee with no carb would surely lead to an upset stomach so to, counterbalance, I ordered their Lemon Tart (RM16).

Bean Brothers - Espresso Con Panna
Bean Brothers - Espresso Con Panna

First, I tried their Espresso Con Panna which arrived in the most minuscule cup known to mankind, an indication of the deadly espresso. A perfect description of the drink would be tiramisu in a cup!

Just as the bitter espresso greets your palate, you are hit with the creamy top layer and foam. The combination of both contrasting flavours somehow captures all the intricate flavours a tiramisu possesses. Sadly, just as I was starting to enjoy the con panna, it finished abruptly.

Bean Brothers - Einspanner
Bean Brothers - Einspanner

Next, the coffee that sounded like Nolan’s next movie (Oppenheimer, Einspanner?). So, in German, Einspanner is either a one-horse carriage or espresso topped with cool, whipped cream— they obviously went with the latter.

Now, the cream was silky, smooth and complemented the hot espresso perfectly, acting as an insulant from burning my tongue. A trick to consume the Einspanner is to make sure you don’t mix these 2 elements together. Mixing them would result in a drink that tastes mostly like bitter water.

Bean Brothers - Espresso Romano
Bean Brothers - Espresso Romano

Our final coffee drink was the Espresso Romano which, like the con panna, was served in a tiny cup for elves. The espresso base tasted the same as the previous drinks with the candied orange being the only stray. It was nothing to rave about, your typical espresso slightly elevated with the sour and sweetness of the orange.

Bean Brothers - Lemon Tart
Bean Brothers - Lemon Tart

The lemon tart was a perfect dessert to wrap up the coffee overdose. It perfectly balanced tartness and sweetness coupled with the perfect, crumbly base. Although, for RM16, I probably could’ve gotten better tarts at lower prices from surrounding bakeries around Bukit Bintang.

Final thoughts

Bean Brothers Espresso Bar
Bean Brothers Espresso Bar

Would I visit Bean Brothers Espresso Bar again? Hmm, that truly depends on the coffee mood I’m in! For some, to justify paying exorbitant prices for a tiny cup of espresso is not possible but at Bean Brothers, you’re also paying for premium coffee beans and the whole experience.

So, if you’re feeling fancy AND in need of a pick-me-up, do drop by Bean Brothers!

Expected damage: RM10 – RM20 per pax

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