BBC boss shares update on Gavin & Stacey Christmas special's script

gavin and stacey christmas special 2019
BBC boss shares Gavin & Stacey updateBBC

Gavin & Stacey is officially returning to our screens for a final Christmas special later this year (yes, with Pam!), but it's all being kept so hush-hush that even the BBC's director of comedy Jon Petrie hasn't seen the final script yet.

Petrie gave an update on the much-anticipated new episode during the BBC's comedy showcase on Tuesday (June 18), revealing that writers and stars James Corden and Ruth Jones have come up with "a brilliant idea and a brilliant story".

As for what that is, though? Even Petrie doesn't know. He revealed that the two are being super careful about who they share details with and even he is yet to find out exactly what will be happening.

"They are really keeping it under wraps and don't want people to see it outside of their very, very tight circle until they're 100% certain of it," Petrie shared (via Daily Mail).

"I think it will be hard when they are filming it because it's such a huge show and everyone will want to watch, everyone in all the locations where it's shot, it will be obvious what's being shot," he added.

The latest news comes after Corden himself gave a filming update last month, revealing on Zoe Ball's BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show earlier this month that they'd start filming in September or October.

He didn't offer up any titbits on storylines, but teased: "Ruth and I, we have to do one last pass and clean up of [the script] really, because the cast are like, 'When can I read it?' And we're like, 'Ahhh'."

gavin  stacey christmas special 2019

But it sounds like it could be a while before we find out exactly what the two have planned. That's because James and Ruth are no fans of leaks and they even called out those who leaked the news of the show's return before they were officially ready.

"It meant that I had to lie to people, to friends and family, because they were all saying, 'Is it happening?', and the reality is that until you have your cast booked, budget worked out, all of those things, you cannot say categorically that it is going to happen," Ruth explained on Radio 4 last month.

So don't expect many leaks here.

Gavin & Stacey series 1-3 are available to stream on BBC iPlayer. The Gavin & Stacey 2024 Christmas special will air on Christmas Day on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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