Baby bear cuscus born in Polish zoo

WROCLAW, Poland (Reuters) - A Polish zoo is celebrating the latest addition to its park - a baby bear cuscus.

Wroclaw Zoo, in southwestern Poland, said the birth of the marsupial, a grey-black furry creature, with claws and a long tail, was a rare event, with only 13 of the animals in captivity in four zoos around the world.

The arboreal leaf-eating animals, native to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, are described as "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list of threatened species, with deforestation and hunting the main threats facing them.

The bear cuscus, which does not have the name, was born to a pair who have been at Wroclaw Zoo for three years, according to the park. For now, it is being kept away from the public eye.

(Reporting by Reuters Television; Editing by Alison Williams)