Astronauts drop toolbox during space walk — and you can see it from Earth

Nasa astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara accidentally dropped their toolbox as they carried out maintenance work on the International Space Station on 2 November.

The small bag can be seen from Earth - it has been photographed by the pair’s Japanese colleague Satoshi Furuwaka while taking a picture of Mount Fuji.

According to EarthSky, the bag should be visible using a pair of binoculars as it is “surprisingly bright.”

In 2008, a similar incident occurred when Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper was performing repairs.

Other astronauts have also lost items, such as when Piers Sellers lost a spatula in 2006 and Ed White lost a spare glove during the first US space walk in 1965.