Ashley Tisdale shares a very Hailey Bieber-inspired everyday makeup routine

ashley tisdale curtain bangs
Ashley Tisdale share's Hailey B-inspired makeupPhillip Faraone - Getty Images

So, when this video popped up in my feed, I was initially going to write about Ashley Tisdale using contour as eyeshadow in her new 'everyday makeup routine' video. We love using products in creative ways, or as quick time savers. But then my colleague – the ever-brilliant Lia – pointed out Ashley is using at least three of Hailey Bieber's fave products in the new video. Honestly, you only see about 9mm of one of them and Lia still had the product ID.

Both babes use the Kosas Revealer Super Creamy and Brightening Concealer, the Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate Contour Duo and the Make Up Forever HD all-in-one Palette in Harmony. As well as sharing the same application techniques like underpainting their contour (if you haven't tried underpainting yet, what have you been doing?)

You can see Ashley using the three products in her understated neutral look posted today, and you can see Hailey using two of the three products in her Latte makeup TikTok below (she uses the Kosas in several other videos, we promise).

We totally co-sign their shared love of these products, but they don't come in cheap, with the three products totalling £176.

Now, aside from the aforementioned similarities, these three products don't completely confirm this look is Biebs inspired, it's pretty natural for great techniques and products to have multiple fans. But if you watch with sound my comrades; Ashley even uses the same song for the video. Confirmation in my eyes that she's just like the rest of us getting makeup inspo from the always flawless Hailey.

Signing out, yours sincerely, the Cosmo Beauty team detective agency 🕵🏽♀️💋

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