Ariana Grande Fans #ThisIsNotYourFaultAriana

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur / Getty
Photo credit: Kevin Mazur / Getty

From Cosmopolitan

In the aftermath of the Manchester bombing, which occurred at a U.K. date of her "Dangerous Woman" tour, singer Ariana Grande's first public statement took the form of a heartbroken tweet:

The singer had already exited the stage when the bombing, which took the lives of 22 people, happened. The following day, she flew back to her hometown of Boca Raton, Louisiana. As the world mourns what happened in Manchester, Grande's devoted fan base is reaching out to the singer to let her know, #ThisIsNotYourFaultAriana.

A New York Times report explores the depths of the #Arianator fandom, many of whom shared this symbol (a mashup of a peace ribbon and the symbol of Grande's Dangerous Woman album and tour) with well wishes for the victims of the Manchester attack:

#ThisIsNotYourFaultAriana and other hashtags like #ArianaStayStrong are full of people reaching out the singer who connects them all, letting her know that the evening's tragedy is not her burden to bear:

"This fandom is FAMILY," one Twitter user wrote, underscoring the depth of the connection many of her fans feel. Through social media, Arianators are sharing messages of peace and love for the Manchester victims, each other, and the woman who brought them together.

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