April Is All About Finding Your 'True Purpose' In Life, Says Astrology

april 2024 horoscope
Your April 2024 Horoscope Is HereAya Kakeda

It cannot be overstated: April is a major astrological month for all zodiac signs. With Mercury, the planet of communication, going retrograde on April 1, a solar eclipse on April 8, and fiery Aries season already underway, everyone should prepare for major shifts in all areas of life, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. “We are starting new cycles, and new beginnings right in time for spring.”

For starters, Mercury will go retrograde at the beginning of the month, which generally marks communication and tech issues, says Page. But the solar eclipse in Aries will have a bigger impact on your life this month, says Page. This astrological event is “about what you want and need in life—your true purpose,” she explains.

While you're hunting for your life purpose, there will be a few other significant planetary shake ups, per Page. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of the unknown, will come together, ushering in change and renewed motivation for the zodiac. This powerful intersection won’t come again until September 2037, so seize the astrological kick in the butt while you can! Also worth noting: The sun will move from fire sign Aries to the earth sign of Taurus on April 19, mellowing the energy a bit—just in time for an emotional full moon in the sign of Scorpio. Basically, expect the unexpected this month, and be ready to roll with the punches!

Wondering what all this means for your zodiac sign? Ahead, Page shares her April 2024 horoscope predictions:


Buckle up, Aries, because April is a powerful month for you. The sun will be in your sign until the 19th, and a powerful eclipse will send strong energy to your career. If you’ve been thinking about stepping outside the box work-wise—whether that's leaving your 9 to 5 for your 5 to 9 or suggesting a new idea to your manager—now's the time to take bold action. Trust your intuition; it will lead you to new and exciting opportunities.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in your sign this month, making communication a bit...tricky. Make sure you speak clearly, and take time to respond, rather than react. While it's important to be thoughtful about how you communicate during this time, embrace the opportunity to assert yourself, especially in any areas where you’ve felt passed over. This month can offer clarity for you, Aries, if you let it!

aries april 2024 horoscope
Aya Kakeda


April brings out your introspective side, Taurus, especially as you approach your birthday season. Allow yourself the time to reflect, journal, meditate, go for long walks, basically do whatever self-care you love that brings you back to yourself. And if you have an opportunity for solo travel, even just a local getaway, take it!

This month is all about connecting with your intuition, making it the perfect time to set some personal goals for an exciting new turn around the sun! During this time of self-reflection, take a critical look at your career and ensure everything is in alignment. If you’re not feeling inspired or respected in your workplace, it may be time to take your talents elsewhere. Whatever you decide, looking inward this month will help you have crystal clarity as you enter May.

taurus april 2024 horoscope
Aya Kaykeda


Good news, Gemini: April is all about getting out and hanging out with your friends! Your social butterfly side is shining through this month, so expect to forge new connections in your professional and personal life. Work your magic, and don't be afraid to shoot your shot with new people coming into your orbit. This month could also bring some dynamic shifts to your existing friend group. Observe any friction from afar before making any rash decisions or severing any connections.

In the second half of the month, you’ll be zoned in on your career and fine-tuning your everyday routines. Taking the time to carve out a schedule that not only ensures you get all of your tasks done, but also allows you to enjoy free time will benefit you and your work-life balance going forward.

gemini april 2024 horoscope
Aya Kaykeda


Cancer, you’re laser-focused on your career and public image this month. Instead of focusing on what you want or what you don’t have yet, though, try shifting to a space of gratitude. When you appreciate everything that's going your way right now, you can create even more space for all that is to come. You’ve been working hard, and that hard work will pay off in time, trust.

While you're taking stock of all the good stuff you've got going on, take a moment this month to refine your goals. Make sure what you’re hustling toward is, in fact, still what you desire for your life. You get to design your future and what that looks like, so be creative!

cancer april 2024 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


April is shaking things up and igniting your inner fire, Leo. You’re feeling more passionate than ever as exciting opportunities for travel, play, and work arise. While it can be tempting to say "Yes!" to everyone, be mindful of your energy. Make sure you pick and choose the activities that will rejuvenate you and reinvigorate your joie de vivre.

Work been feeling a bit...sticky lately? This is a good month to assert yourself. If your ideas and concerns aren’t being taken seriously, find a job that will prioritize your needs and appreciate your input. You have the ability to make massive changes in this life—don’t settle for the easy route.

leo april 2024 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


Money is on your mind this month, Virgo, so take the necessary time to set yourself up for success. Spreadsheets and color-coding (your faves!) are encouraged as you take an honest look at your long-term financial goals. And while you're no stranger to organization, cleaning up this part of your life will free up some valuable mental space to both work toward those goals and enjoy the everyday things you love.

If you find that you’re out of alignment with the lavish, financially secure future you crave, it may be time to consider some creative ways to fill the gaps. As the sun moves into fellow earth sign Taurus, you’ll feel the pull to expand your knowledge and network. Lean into this, and watch the exciting and lucrative opportunities pour in.

virgo april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


April puts an emphasis on your partnerships, both professional and personal. How exactly? Well, the eclipse is highlighting areas that need some tending in your life—perhaps you’re not giving your all at work or at home because you feel burnt out. Now is the time to get to the bottom of this imbalance and sort it out!

Whether you need to ask for help from a coworker or readjust your schedule with your partner, make sure you do it. Remember, Libra: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Be assertive in asking for what you want, need, and deserve!

libra april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Scorpio, if you’ve been feeling a bit...overwhelmed lately, this month will allow you to find your footing again. When your work life, social life, and romantic life are all popping off at once, it's exciting! But if you don’t have systems in place to keep everything moving and all of your to-dos checked off your list, things can get chaotic. The fix? Take the beginning of April to slow down and focus on your self-care before signing on to any new projects (no matter how tempting!).

You are approaching the halfway mark of your birth year, so it’s time to take stock of what’s working and shift what’s not. Indulge in the activities that help you center yourself, whether that's yoga, meditation, therapy, or a good journaling session. You’ll be amazed by the progress you make when you get organized!

scorpio april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


After a heavy few months, Sag, you are getting some relief in April! You’ve been putting in the work to make your professional life shine, and this month you will reap the rewards. Your career sphere is also expanding, so this is a great time to make new connections and explore avenues you may not usually focus on. Try a new training, morning routine, or journaling exercise to get the mental juices flowing.

It’s possible a major opportunity could land in your lap soon, so take care of yourself and make sure you are mentally prepared to go after it!

sagittarius april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


You are seeing things in a whole new light this month, Capricorn, especially around the solar eclipse on April 8. Expect big changes in your home life—possibly finding new living arrangements or setting new boundaries with friends or family. Rather than fearing these changes, embrace them with open arms. This could be a necessary step toward getting closer with the loved ones in your life, but take your time to make decisions. Don’t sign any leases or jump into any long-term plans, especially while Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde.

You also may be feeling more creative than usual this month. Consider exploring side gigs or other passion pursuits that bring joy and excitement into your day-to-day life. Focus on all that’s working for you right now, stay calm through these shifts, and you’ll have a transformative month!

capricorn april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


The powerful energy of April is affecting the way you communicate and express yourself. Lean into your kooky side, Aquarius, whether that means engaging in some dopamine dressing, sharing some BTS content on your IG, or simply speaking your mind a bit more, have fun with it! When other people see you being your authentic self, they’ll be drawn to you. That confident energy is contagious!

Later in the month, particularly around the full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd, your focus will turn inward to your own healing. Take time to hone in on what you need to succeed and find more happiness in your life. This is the time to wrap up any unresolved issues so you can shine bright come summer!

aquarius april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Pisces, the solar eclipse on April 8th may bring change to your finances, so be prepared for unexpected expenses or bonuses. Now is also a good time to reassess your spending habits and financial priorities. With money on your mind, considerations about your career aren't far behind. You've been feeling super empowered at work lately, so be aggressive and ask for what you want! If you know you deserve a raise or want to challenge yourself with more creative projects, speak up.

The full moon in fellow water sign Scorpio will have you focusing on your goals, and all you can accomplish—and enjoy—during the rest of 2024. Book some travel plans, and get ready for an exciting ride this month!

pisces april 2024 horoscope
Hearst Owned

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