Here's What Happens to Your Eyes When You Don't Use Solar Eclipse Glasses

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Country Living

In just a couple of weeks, millions of Americans will get the chance to take in the biggest event of the summer: a total solar eclipse. To prepare for the extraordinary event, 4,800 libraries across America are giving away solar filters, and if you're not convinced that you need to pick up a pair, read on.

Wondering what happens if you stare at the sun during an eclipse without protective eyewear?Staring into direct sunlight can burn a hole in your retina and even cause blindness. To prove just how dangerous it is, astronomer Mark Thompson shared this now viral video, which captures a pig's eye burning to a crisp when exposed to intense sunlight (warning, this is very graphic).

There are always a few people who lose their vision after viewing an eclipse without proper eye protection, according to The Washington Post. In fact, 14 observers of the 1999 solar eclipse in the U.K. experienced permanent eye damage after the celestial event, and several thousands more sought out medical attention, according to University of California at Santa Barbara's Science Line.

It takes just 100 seconds of exposure for eyes to experience damage, and even the best pair of high-quality sunglasses don't provide enough protection, according to Fox News. Solar-viewing glasses are designed to protect against UVA and UVB rays, whereas typical sunglasses don't filter enough UV rays.

BUY NOW: $15 for 5-pack, Solar Eclipse Glasses,

People who plan to watch the eclipse from the path of totality will need to wear the glasses until the moon completely blocks the sun. For the approximate two minutes that the moon blocks the sun, viewers can observe it sans glasses. For anyone watching from outside the path of totality, they will need to keep their glasses on the entire time.

(h/t The Washington Post)

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