Annie Yi on why she hasn't posted much about husband



3 May – Annie Yi recently took to social media to finally reveal why she hasn't posted much about her husband in recent months.

On 30 April, the actress posted several photos of her husband gaining weight for his performance in "The Long Season", to where he returned to his previous physique, revealing that Qin Hao has been busy transforming for his roles.

"Mr Qin lost 20 catties recently. It was very uncomfortable. All kinds of light fasting plus skipping rope, weight exercise. I guess he missed putting on weight," she wrote.

Annie stated that Qin had fun gaining his weight in the early stages, though the euphoria soon passed as the weight gain became stressful on him.


Annie shared photos of Qin in his new drama, 'The Long Season'
Annie shared photos of Qin in his new drama, 'The Long Season'



The actress sang praises for her husband's dedication
The actress sang praises for her husband's dedication


"Watching him balloon up and deflate, perseverance is the best description. After 'The Long Season' scored 92. points on Douban, all I can say is that his suffering has not been in vain," she said.

Annie also finally responded to the rumours about the lack of interaction between her and Qin, saying, "Amid rumours that the two parties do not interact, I would like to say that I'd prefer to maintain the mystery of his acting life, and only present my long-lost short composition at the right moment."

The actress added that she is still very much in love with her husband just as she did 10 years ago when they first met.

(Photo Source: Annie Yi Weibo)