Ankie Beilke's work not affected by civil unrest in HK
15 Nov– Although a lot of artistes are facing a decrease of work due to the current civil unrest in Hong Kong, German-Hong Kong actress Ankie Beilke stated that she is one of the lucky few who is not much affected by the situation.
As reported on Mingpao, the model-actress, who appeared at an auction in Central recently, stated that she feels grateful to have not experienced any issues relating to the protests, but that some of her friends did face such challenges.
"Some of them had their appearance cancelled or had to walk to their work due to the blocked traffic," she said.
Asked how she managed to arrive at the event on time, Ankie said that her husband decided to drive her instead as he was worried about her safety.
On the other hand, Ankie also revealed that her movie, "The Wishing Tree" performed well in the United States, and that she will later star in a German independent film.
"I will play a psychologist in the movie. In reality, I'm like a psychologist myself, since I take care everybody's feelings at home. I had a mood swing after childbirth and decided to do yoga and take a walk. Whenever we have some misunderstanding, my husband and I will communicate," she said.
(Photo Source: Ankie Beilke Instagram)