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Prime Day Deals on 20+ Amazon cult favorite products — starting at $2

pet brush, earbuds, pillows
Why so serious? Let your shopping imagination run wild with these culty-cool products. (Photos: Amazon)

Ready for day two of Prime Day? We're still seeing mind-blowing deals roll in — you don't want to miss them. Remember that pandemic buying frenzy? Retailers are trying to unload overstock and that means the discounts are even more killer than ever.

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Prime Day at Yahoo: Follow our Live Blog for the best deals in real time, shop Amazon’s top 150+ deals for today, and see all of our coverage, here.

While you might be preoccupied with jaw-dropping discounts on items to upgrade your house with smart TVs and speakers, there's a whole universe of quirky, off-the-beaten-track, under-the-radar deals that are worth a gander.

We put together a list of cult-favorite products on sale during Prime Day. Each has thousands of fans (in fact, one of them is a fan), and in our experience Amazon shoppers are pretty discerning. So if a metric ton of them swear by a skin-care gem, an ingenious gadget we didn't realize we needed or a cleaning must-have, we're here for it.

A $2 fix to your cat's unending boredom

Does you cat need more exercise? This $2 solution will keep them dancing. All it is is a steel wire with a spring and rolled cardboard fixed to the end, but it mimics a flying insect and gets those hunter instincts going.
$4 at Amazon

Over 24,200 owners of feline friends swear by it, too. "If you say 'cat dancer toy,' my cats come running," one happy reviewer says. "This is great news for our 20-pound senior cat. He is actually getting up and moving quite a bit, hence we purchased two more.... It’s just amazing to everyone in our household how something so simple (and inexpensive) can be their favorite. They beg for this, while the expensive toys sit. Why not give it a try?"

Cute, conscious cupcake cups for 50 cents a pop

There's always occasion for cupcakes! Tuck away these colorful, reusable silicone baking cups — now just $6 for a dozen — and you'll always be ready. They're BPA-free and oven-, microwave- and freezer-safe!
$5 at Amazon

One of the 56,000-plus fans wrote: "Love these!! I have bought several sets, and including as gifts. They are totally nonstick. After use, you do have to wash them in hot soapy water to remove all grease...I make breakfast muffins (like crustless quiches). With egg, a nonstick muffing pan still sticks and requires way too much work."

An inexpensive swap for a silk pillowcase that 181,300+ shoppers love

Smooth, standard satin pillowcases with envelope closure for four bucks a pop!
$6 at Amazon

If you don't already sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase, you're missing out — it's gentler on your skin and hair than cotton, plus it prevents those annoying creases you get on your face if you've slept on an inferior fabric. It stays cooler, too! Don't want to splurge on silk? This set is a great alternative, and it starts at just $7.

"LOVE THESE! They are a beautiful shade of gray, well-made and a perfect price!" a satisfied customer said. "I ordered these to help protect against hair breakage, and I've already noticed a huge difference!!!"

Top-rated gardening gloves on sale for $2 a pair

These colorful gloves are lightweight and breathable, and the flexible foam latex coating keeps your hands cool and dry, even if you're digging through dirt and the like. Simply chuck them in the washing machine between wears.
$14 at Amazon

"These gloves are GOLDILOCKS!" shared one of over 10,000 five-star reviewers. "They fit comfortably, do not cause my hands to sweat, keep my hands fairly clean even though I dig into the wet dirt for planting, allow me to use my garden tools with precision, and even let me scroll through my song list on my phone!"

Amazon's No. 1 bestselling electric can opener

This handheld electric can opener works with the push of a button.
$30 at Amazon

Say goodbye to dangerously sharp edges and fiddling with a manual can opener — this electric one (which is Amazon's No. 1 bestseller in the category) is worth its weight in gold if you never accidentally nick your fingers on a jagged lid again.

"By far, the best one-handed can opener I've found. A little powerhouse compared to every other kind I've used," shared a shopper. "The moment I turned it on, I knew, finally, I'd hit the can opener jackpot. There was no doubt I'd no longer have to deal with any more half-opened cans, stuck openers that couldn't be separated from the cans, frustration, wasted money and having to toss another ridiculous busted device in the trash."

The ultimate latte must-have

Get frothy, foamy lattes fast with this handheld device.
$15 at Amazon

Forget having to go to a coffee shop for those perfectly frothy lattes, cappuccinos and matchas — this magical little frother can do it all. It makes just about any drink creamier in seconds, and it's so easy to use. Plus, it comes in a ton of different colors, so you can get one to match your coffeemaker.

"This is by far the best frothers I've ever used," one shopper commented. "It's super powerful, so you have to be careful not to use it if your mug is really full, because it will runneth over. Instead, I froth my coffee in a large plastic cup and then transfer it to my normal mug. It's a little extra step but I absolutely love how it turns out."

Your own personal fan

This go-anywhere rechargeable mini fan stirs up airflow when you need it.
$18 at Amazon

If there's one thing you can count on this summer, it's stifling heat. While there might not be air conditioning everywhere you go, you can at least control the weather in your personal space with this über-popular handheld fan. It's wireless (and rechargeable), so you can take it anywhere — on the plane, to the pool, on a picnic — without having to plug it in.

More than 16,000 Amazon shoppers rave about this fan's cooling capabilities. "I bought this going into my wedding week — worried about being too warm and beginning to sweat too much," wrote a five-star fan. "Traveling in the airport for our honeymoon, my husband and I were both thankful over several different occasions to have this little fan!... I only had to charge it twice over the course of a week with usage everyday for several hours."

A rip-proof shower curtain liner that makes over 140,000 shoppers sing

Weighted magnets keep this heavy-duty, mildew-resistant liner in place.
$10 at Amazon

At first glance, this shower curtain liner might not look like much. Don't be fooled, though — Amazon's No. 1 bestselling Liba liner is the crème de la crème of bathroom necessities. For starters, it's two and a half times thicker than other liners, and it won't accumulate soap scum. It doesn't smell funky — unlike some other liners — and it's completely waterproof, so it dries instantly.

"This is the Cadillac of shower curtains!" one shopper shared. "No smell; plus, we've got really hard water, and it's only been a couple of weeks of use, and I'm sure it will eventually spot, but so far so good. Nice oversized curtain as well, covers the corners well. The weight of it makes it hang well too."

An oddly satisfying cleaning putty that'll get dirt and dust out of your keyboard

Clean electronics and more with this handy, dust-grabbing goop.
$6 at Amazon

Yellow putty might seem like a strange way to clean tough-to-reach dirt and grime, but once you try ColorCoral Universal Dust Cleaner for yourself, you'll become a believer. The product is made with a biodegradable gel that's sticky enough to pick up dirt in small spaces. All you have to do is roll the gel over the area you want to clean, give it a second to pick up the muck, then peel it off the surface and watch as the hard-to-reach dirt comes free. Gross, but also amazing.

"I purchased this product to clean those little spaces in my car filled with dog hair and random crumbs from my husband, and it works amazing," one fan says. "It picked up everything and didn’t leave a residue. The lemon scent was faint and didn’t overpower the vehicle while I was cleaning it. This definitely got in all the little nooks and crannies."

A truly revolutionary hair catcher

Keep unwanted gunk out of your shower drain with this clever catcher.
$10 at Amazon

Have you heard of the TubShroom and its mighty ability to catch all the hair in your shower drain before it even thinks of clogging? If not, you will be amazed by this bestselling $13 (was $20) mini gadget that fits snugly inside your drain to catch hair. When it comes time to clean it out, just wipe it off, throw away the loose hair and place it back in your drain. Sorry, plumbers of the world, but your services will on longer be required.

This fan raves, "I was skeptical about this little rubber strainer, but I needed something to save my drains from the piles of hair that fall out of my head. I tried others and they all failed miserably. This thing is amazing! It fit into my standard drain perfectly, and I don't think a single hair slipped by it. It was pretty gross to see how much hair I lost in just one shower, but it was comforting to know it wasn't clogging my drain."

An ingenious purse holder for your car

This mesh storage organizer fits between the front seats of your car.
$14 at Amazon

If you have ever found yourself reaching into the backseat, desperately searching for your purse, Amazon's No. 1 bestselling Car Cache Purse Holder is for you. Fasten the hooks between the driver's and passenger's seats to form an easy-to-reach hammock that cradles your essentials. It also doubles as a barrier to keep your dog from jumping into the front seat.

"I love this car cache," one reviewer raves. "It’s a great solution to a common problem. My purse was either in the back or on the dirty floor between my seat and gas pedal (not safe). Now my purse stays clean, is easy to reach, and out of the way."

A summer must-have over 6,500 shoppers adore

Just add water to feel the effects of this cooling towel, available in five colors.
$7 at Amazon

Whether you're a runner, beach bum, or just someone that gets overheated easily, this towel just might help. Wet it, and it'll keep you cool for up to four hours. Plus, you can use it again and again — just chuck it in the wash as needed.

"These were purchased for an Indy car race because we knew we were going to be in direct sun in Florida," shared a shopper. "We froze them the night before and kept them wet throughout the day, and will never go anywhere without them again! Theme parks, hiking, races...all of it!"

An inexpensive swap for a silk pillowcase that 181,300+ shoppers love

If you don't already sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase, you're missing out — it's gentler on your skin and hair than cotton, plus it prevents those annoying creases you get on your face if you've slept on an inferior fabric. It stays cooler, too! Don't want to splurge on silk? This set is a great alternative, and it starts at just $7.

"LOVE THESE! They are a beautiful shade of gray, well-made and a perfect price!" a satisfied customer said. "I ordered these to help protect against hair breakage, and I've already noticed a huge difference!!!"

A set of 10 slippers that'll make mopping your favorite chore

Dance your floors clean with these washable, reusable over-shoe mop socks.
$14 at Amazon

If you dread mopping more than any other chore, these fuzzy slippers might be the antidote. They come in a set of 10 for just $15 right now, and they're designed to be worn over your shoes so that you can effectively dust and mop your floor just by walking across it as you normally would. No more back-breaking pain! Plus, they're kind of fun, which means you can easily rope in your kids to help.

"I have never had wood floors before, and I have two huge hairy cats — big hair problem!" lamented one shopper. "The slippers are big, so I wear them over my regular house slippers. Then I skate, slip, and slide over the floors as the cats chase me! We have a lot of fun while cleaning up the cat hair. The slippers do very well picking up the cat hair — amazing."

An Earth-friendly way to store leftovers

This three-pack of reusable food wraps features three different sizes, and they're plastic- and silicone-free.
$17 at Amazon

Forget plastic bags and Tupperware you can never find the lids for — this beeswax wrap can store your leftovers just as well as the less sustainable options. They're good for packing lunches and keeping fruits and veggies fresh, and are infinitely reusable, washable and even biodegradeable. Plus: They're made in the USA with certified organic cotton, responsibly sourced beeswax, organic plant oils and tree resin.

"Can't recommend these beeswax wraps enough," shared one happy shopper. "The antimicrobial aspect of the beeswax keeps fruits and vegetables super fresh for much longer than plastic bags. They keep bread soft and fresh for much longer than Ziplocs. They are so much better for the environment, and they can be reused for months. We have been using our set for almost two years and they are still as good as new. No waste!"

The pet brush that'll save you a trip to the groomer

Groom long- and short-haired cuties alike with this ridiculously popular brush.
$15 at Amazon

If your pooch or feline is a shedding machine, this $15 Hertzgo brush might help — and it's 50% off right now. Unlike other similar brushes that only work on short or long coats (but never both), this one is designed to tackle all coat lengths. It gently detangles, plus it helps release any dirt or dander that might've accumulated in your pet's fur.

"I brushed off enough cat hair to have another cat," shared a shopper. "...I'm starting to think Porkins doesn't even have any skin, she must be made entirely of fur as it NEVER ENDS. She's completely passed out now from all the brushing — she loved it. The push button to retract the bristles is fantastic and makes for easy cleanup! Totally worth every penny, and I'm sure Porkins would agree as well if she understood the basic concept of monetary values."

Never question the dishes again

This easy-to-read sign keeps tabs on cleaning.
$7 at Amazon

If you've ever asked a family member to start the dishwasher, only to check on it hours later and pull out a dirty glass, you need this. It's a simple but genius idea: Just stick this magnetized indicator on your machine and alert your housemates to the state of your cookery by sliding its window left or right to indicate whether the contents inside are "CLEAN" or "DIRTY." No more accidentally picking up a dirty plate or loading dirty dishes into a dishwasher that's full of clean ones!

"My parents got a machine not too long ago that has controls and indicators on the top of the door, which is covered by the countertop when it is closed," one wised-up shopper shared. "They can never tell if the machine is clean or dirty until they open it up and pull the racks out. They've had several instances where dirty dishes have been put in a clean dishwasher or 'dirty' dishes got put back in the cabinets because they were semi-cleaned from the sink. These problems are no more. I got a big hug and a smile when I brought this over to them."

Say so long to dryer sheets

Soften clothes in the dryer without chemicals.
$15 at Amazon

These genius doodads — which you toss in the dryer with wet clothes — soften your laundry naturally and shorten drying time. Shorter drying time is not only easier on fabrics but it saves energy, which means lower monthly bills...and less of your precious time spent time doing laundry! All-natural, and for a great price.

"I live in Los Angeles, so my apartment only offers coin laundry, so every quarter counts," a shopper revealed. "These balls have saved me a lot of dollars thus far! They allow my clothes to dry way faster than previously with dryer sheets, which is awesome because laundry prices keep going up in my building!"

Why spend hundreds on a speaker?

This portable bluetooth speaker is small but mighty — and water-resistant (aka "beach-ready").
$21 at Amazon

Who says you have to spend a small fortune on great speakers to get the party going? This guy is a top-seller and has over 133,000 five-star reviews. Don't let the low price fool you: It packs an audio punch, and shoppers swear by the long battery life (up to 14 hours) and easy setup.

"This is the best Bluetooth speaker I have ever owned," raved a five-star reviewer. "It lasts for days on a single charge, and pairing is hassle-free...Sturdy and really well made."

More than 34,100 shoppers rave about this scalp massager

Stimulate blood flow, exfoliate your scalp, and relax with this lightweight, handheld massager with tons of benefits.
$7 at Amazon

Getting rid of excess skin and buildup on your scalp fosters a healthy environment for optimal hair growth — plus this thing just feels great. Suitable for all hair types and gentle enough for sensitive scalps, it'll transform the way products are able to soak in and work to their fullest extent.

"My scalp feels so clean!" shared a shopper. "Everyone needs to use this thing!"

Earbuds over 139,000 shoppers rave about

These bluetooth earbuds allow hands-free calls and wireless audio enjoyment for less.
$25 at Amazon

No need to shell out north of $100 for a pair of great earbuds — these are $30 and are just as powerful as the name-brand ones. What makes these even better — besides the battery life and one-step pairing — is that you can control them with just a single touch. Want to pause a song or podcast? Tap once. Adjust the volume? Hold. No need to fish your phone out of your pocket to make any adjustments — just tap and go.

Oh, and did we mention, they're waterproof? "I do intense cardio, which leads to me being drenched in sweat," shared one happy shopper. "I am so glad these are waterproof!! I am really happy with this purchase. I get compliments on them all the time....The case is so little and cute, I can carry it in my purse like a pack of gum."

A hair mask that helps reverse aging and damaged hair

This deep-conditioning treatment uses argan oil, organic jojoba oil, aloe vera and keratine to repair hair.
$10 with coupon at Amazon

Whether you're battling damaged ends, brittle strands or all of the above, this nourishing mask will help. It uses argan oil and aloe to hydrate and restore overworked and overprocessed hair, all without leaving behind a greasy residue. Bonus: It's just $10 when you apply the on-page coupon.

It's even great for flaky scalps, as this shopper reports: "MIND BLOWN," she gushed. "I had absolutely TERRIBLE dandruff and I have very dark hair. It was extremely obvious, and it made me very uncomfortable. It left me with huge, thick, scaly flakes and sores on my head. I also was dealing with hair loss. I have tried several products and none have even phased my problem. Out of desperation, I tried this (for a full 20 mins.) along with the shampoo and the conditioner. I am still in shock that after one wash my dandruff is nearly GONE!"

A kitchen gadget to make you a better chef

This kitchen scale can read down to the gram.
$13 at Amazon

Whether you're a home cook or a pro chef, a food scale can be the difference between an okay dish and a Michelin-star-worthy plate. This scale has a smooth, easy-to-clean surface, and even has four units of measurement so you can accurately portion your ingredients, as some 88,500 five-star fans on Amazon can attest.

Shared one thrilled shopper: "I bought this kitchen scale for my mom, and she loves it. It's very thin and takes up almost no room at all in the cabinet, and the digital display is nice and clean. It appears to have an auto on-and-off feature, and it comes with a spare battery! For the money, this is a terrific little tool for cooking, weighing for mail postage, or even hobbies."

Nix toothbrush germs with this gem

Designed to kill germs while cradling your toothbrush.
$13 at Amazon

Your teeth are only as clean as your toothbrush. This portable sanitizer uses UV to zap germs because, well, who wants to use a dirty brush to clean their teeth? Uses two AA batteries, not included.

"Five stars isn't enough," raved a fan. "The UV light cleans it for five minutes and automatically shuts off. It keeps it safe from stuff splashing on your toothbrush if it's out in the open (such as flushing with the toilet lid up and microbial stuff getting on it. EW), and really just keeps it safe from anything else touching it."

The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.

If you’re not yet an Amazon Prime member, sign up now for exclusive members-only access to Prime Day deals. Click here for a free 30-day trial.

Our top picks for Prime Day:

Thanks to 4K Ultra HD, you'll get four times the number of pixels of Full HD screen, so colors absolutely pop. Link the TV up to other smart-home devices and enjoy easy access to tons of apps, from Amazon Prime and to Netflix.
$285 at Amazon
"Stick" it to your cable company! The most affordable Fire TV Stick just got even cheaper. Enjoy fast streaming in Full HD with with Alexa Voice Remote Lite control.
$12 at Amazon
Let these cushy, wireless winners introduce you to a cancel culture anyone can love! With 35 hours or battery life per charge, they won't conk-out mid-jam, and you'll be in audiophile heaven.
$68 at Amazon
Are your teeth not at toothsome as you'd like? The whitening power of enamel-safe Whitestrips gets a powerful boost thanks to the handheld light that targets yellow stains to brighten teeth for the perfect smile.
$40 at Amazon
Here's the 411 on the 692: This Roomba is a great way to begin cleaning your home smarter. Just schedule it to clean up daily dirt, dust and debris with the iRobot HOME app or your voice assistant.
$300 at Amazon
Would you like your home life to get easier while enlisting the power of Alexa? Look to the orb! Set timers, ask questions, add items to lists, create calendar events and reminders, and so much more — with just your voice!
$20 at Amazon
Drink in this Green Tea Luxe Mattress. It's infused with the refreshing eponymous extract in every layer and features body-hugging memory foam and a breathable, luxurious cover. All the stuff that sweet dreams are made of!
$278 at Amazon
You go hiking so you can drink in the glory of nature, not a gullet full of biohazards. The LifeStraw removes 99.999% of bacteria & parasites, microplastics, and can filter up to 1,000 gallons of water in its lifetime.
$11 at Amazon
In-the-know blenders turn to Vitamix for the perfect smoothie, soup, frozen treat and more. Adjust the speed at any time to create a variety of textures, or blend on High for maximum speed & efficiency.
$300 at Amazon

This year, the sales will be even better than usual. Why? Because Amazon, and other top retailers like Walmart, Target, Best Buy and others, are motivated to move overstock merchandise and make space for fresh products. If you’re not yet an Amazon Prime member, sign up now for exclusive members-only access to Prime Day deals. Click here for a free 30-day trial.

Prime Day 2022 at Yahoo: Follow our Prime Day live blog for expert advice on what to shop right now, and see all of our Prime Day coverage, here.

Best Prime Day TV deals:

This gorgeous TV is designed to blend in with the other artwork and decor in your home.
$980 at Amazon
This gorgeous TV supports 4K Ultra HD, HDR 10, and HLG, plus you get immediate access to over 1 million TV shows and movies via Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video and more.
$285 at Amazon

Best Prime Day headphones and earbuds deals:

Shut out the world thanks to smart noise cancellation, which senses your environment as you enjoy your music, podcast, or the sweet sound of silence.
$68 at Amazon
$90 is a price that can't be beat. This model has a wireless charging case, quick access to Siri, external music controls, and much better audio quality than your wired Apple earbuds.
$89 at Amazon
These beloved headphones — known for Bose's incredible comfort and rich sound — give you peace and quiet when you want it but also churn out thumping beats.
$229 at Amazon
The gold standard in earbuds, the AirPods come with three silicone ear tips to easily adjust in ears of all shapes and sizes.
$254 at Amazon
Air fryer, fire tv stick
Amazon Prime Day 2022 is here! Don't miss these deals. (Photo: Amazon)

Best Prime Day tablets and laptop deals:

This tablet is perfect for video calls with friends and family, thanks to a 10.5" LCD screen.
$160 at Amazon
A built-in front light ensures that whether you're in direct sunlight or under the covers, you can always keep reading.
$45 at Amazon

Best smartwatch deals:

This smart watch is like something out of the Jetsons — it automatically measures your blood oxygen, heart rhythms, and even tracks your sleep. Plus, it notifies you when it senses that something is amiss.
$279 at Amazon

Best Prime Day smart home deals:

Use this smart speaker to command Alexa to update your routines, check the weather, share the sports scores, or even tell you a joke.
$20 at Amazon
Save money on your next energy bill, thanks to this smart thermostat.
$42 at Amazon

Best Prime Day security cam deals:

This camera swivels 360 degrees if it detects any motion.
$23 at Amazon
This wireless camera has motion detection, two-way audio, a two-year battery line, and HD video quality.
$55 at Amazon

Best Prime Day vacuum deals:

Easily remove dust, dirt, debris and other nasties from just about any surface in your home. Plus, it mops while it vacuums, so you'll be left with sparkling clean floors — and all you have to do is press a button.
$430 at Amazon
This lightweight 2-in-1 Lift-Away upright vacuum features a detachable pod for portable cleaning power and a completely sealed system with HEPA filter to trap dust and allergens.
$120 at Amazon

Best Prime Day gaming deals:

Whether you're in a chat room, fighting your way through a campaign, or just exploring, these headphones deliver rich, immersive sound.
$48 at Amazon
With an expansive map and a massive arsenal of weapons, gear and more, you're going to sink hours into this campaign.
$13 at Amazon

Best Prime Day kitchen deals:

Not only does this sleek mug keep your coffee warm, but you can even control its temperature via an app. Don't worry: It automatically shuts off when not in use, and can be hand-washed.
$120 at Amazon
Easily whip up frozen desserts, sauces, dips and more with this iconic beast.
$175 at Amazon

Best Prime Day beauty deals:

Trust us: You'll actually look forward to flossing once you get your hands on this beloved water flosser.
$45 at Amazon
Bring Crest's best and fastest whitening technology home. The whitening power of enamel-safe Whitestrips gets a powerful boost thanks to the handheld light that targets yellow stains to brighten teeth for the perfect smile.
$40 at Amazon

Best Prime Day style deals:

Ultra-soft platform cushioning that truly feels like you're walking on a cloud.
$42 at Amazon
This suit's tie at the waist cinches you in, while the colorblock pattern is never going to go out of style.
$23 at Amazon

Best Prime Day bedding and home deals:

This mattress is made with refreshing green tea extract in every layer, body-hugging memory foam and a breathable, luxurious cover. All the stuff sweet dreams are made of!
$278 at Amazon
No need to shell out the big bucks — Amazon's bestselling air purifier has legions of fans, and it's a steal.
$48 at Amazon

Best Prime Day lawn and garden deals:

The 850-inch surface area is large enough for plenty of burgers, steaks, poultry, and of course, sides.
$168 at Amazon
This petite grill is perfect for those with minimal outdoor space (or as a secondary grill for those with special dietary needs).
$127 at Amazon

Best Prime Day luggage deals:

Save big on the hardside suitcase that you'll have for decades to come.
$147 at Amazon
Stand out at the luggage carousel with these cool teal suitcases sporting 360-degree spinner wheels and waterproof casings.
$154 at Amazon

Best Prime Day outdoor deals:

Make your backyard your oasis with this portable, easy-to-setup hammock.
$21 at Amazon
Never fear running out of water on your next hike or camping trip — this filter can make rivers, lakes and just about any other water source drinkable.
$13 at Amazon

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