Inside Aubrey Plaza's Epic, Failed 'SNL' Audition

Occasionally, I’ll read the news and think that we’re actually on a better timeline than the potential alternatives. It may be a headline like, “Aubrey Plaza Set for Saturday Night Live! Hosting Debut” rather than, “Aubrey Plaza Enters Her 20th SNL Season,” but you have to pick your battles. Today, I’m just glad the world has superstar actress Aubrey Plaza—instead of sketch comedian Aubrey Plaza, who would no doubt be left doing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez impressions on live television every week.

Appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon this week, the White Lotus star revealed that she once auditioned for Saturday Night Live!, but failed to advance to the much-talked-about final Lorne Michaels round. “I didn’t make it to the Lorne audition, the famous final audition, but I did a preliminary first-round showcase,” Plaza revealed. The two original characters she chose to audition with may seem a bit odd for 2004, but Plaza has always been ahead of the times when it comes to comedy. Her Parks and Recreation character, April Ludgate, is still iconic.

“I remember one character I did was like a Puerto Rican news reporter that was always trying to make all of the news stories sexy, even if they were horrific news stories,” she said. “I was just trying to like, sex up the news or something.” The other idea Plaza came up with was “a pill-popping housewife that had a show called Celebri-Tails, where I would just name celebrities and name what kind of tail they would have if they had a tail. Like I would say, ‘Lindsay Lohan would have a bushy squirrel’s tail.’ Or, like, ‘Bill Clinton would have a polar bear’s nub.'” Sounds like it would kill on TikTok, but mind you, this was back in 2004.

Plaza would go on to become an “intern in the design department” for a year, followed by a stint as an NBC page. She famously made-up fake facts on her tours around 30 Rock. “They loved me because I did not care about set design at all, and they wanted an intern that had no interest in learning what they did,” Plaza joked on Fallon. Instead, she spent her time “stalking,” “lurking in the shadows,” and watching the talent. “I was just, like, creepy. Like, I was a creepy stalker,” she said. “Now I’m gonna host it, so my master plan worked!” Plaza makes her SNL hosting debut on NBC on January 21. Here’s hoping we get a sketch or two of those audition characters as revenge.

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