Ain Edruce says daughter is stable following epileptic fit

10 Jan - Ain Edruce can now breathe a sigh of relief, after finding out that all is well with three-year-old daughter, Soraya.

The TV personality, who had to leave her weekly show "Melodi" last weekend after finding out that Soraya had an epileptic fit, shared with the media that her daughter is now doing well.

Ain said that she will be taking a short hiatus from work to focus on Soraya's health, admitting that she was traumatised by the incident.

"It was lucky my husband was home when it happened. Imagine if both of us weren't there," she said.

Ain is taking a break from work to focus on Soraya's health
Ain is taking a break from work to focus on Soraya's health

Ain stated that she and her husband Amirul Hafiz would usually take Soraya to the hospital for any ailments, but that the two of them somehow failed to take proper care of Soraya this time around.

"We will be careful in the future and not be neglectful anymore," she added.

(Photo Source: Ain Edruce IG)