Ai-Ai delas Alas: third marriage will be most challenging

The actress wants to ensure that her third marriage will be the last and lasting one

19 Oct - Ai-Ai delas Alas recently admitted that being someone's wife for the third time will be the biggest challenge of her life.

As reported on Rappler, the actress, who appeared at the promotional event for her new film "Bes and the Beshies", shared that she hopes that after her two failed marriages, her third attempt with the younger Gerald Sibayan will be her last.

"I guess my upcoming marriage will be the most challenging [as a woman]. How I will be able to take care of our relationship and complete our family, till death do us part," she said.

However, delas Alas said that she is confident that her marriage will work this time around, as Sibayan is not just a good partner, but also her best friend and a good co-parent to their adopted son.

The actress also admitted that she and Sibayan are planning to have a baby of their own, which means that she will be reducing her workload slowly after her marriage for baby plans.

The couple is set to tie the knot this December.

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