Afdlin Shauki clarifies previous stance against the closing of Crackhouse Comedy Club

12 Jul – Afdlin Shauki recently clarified his previous stance regarding the closing of Crackhouse Comedy Club, following the backlash he received from netizens over his previous statement.

The comedy auteur, who previously released a statement saying that he is against the decision to temporarily close the said comedy club following the controversial performance of a woman named Amy, shared that the reason why he was against the closure was due to the fact that it's affecting other people's livelihoods.

"Imagine everybody comes to your workplace and making trouble to the extent that the premise had to be closed. What would you feel?" he wrote.

Afdlin stressed that he is not supporting the said woman at all, and that what she had done was uncalled for, but that he was only thinking about other comedians who make their living performing at the place.

"I stood up when it comes to this issue because I used to have a comedy restaurant. I opened it up to my comedy students so that they have a place to learn and improve themselves so that we can all help each other make money. We would hold open mic events and there had never been any performance where the comedian insults any religion," he said.

Afdlin added that he has no issue with people who want to unfollow him for his previous statement, but that he would always say what he thinks is right.

(Photo Source: Afdlin Shauki Instagram)