Aedy Ashraf wants to portray KJ in a movie



15 Jun – If there is one real life role model that Aedy Ashraf hopes to portray in a movie, it would be the former Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

The actor shared as much with Harian Metro recently, saying that he has always been a fan of the now ERA radio presenter, known to many by his moniker KJ.

"Portraying a real life person in a biopic would be a great challenge. It is something that I want to try. I think playing KJ would be great. I love his charisma and his strong character," he said.

However, Aedy admitted that such a thing might not even be materialised, though it is not wrong to dream.

"This is because I have played fictional characters all my life. So, to play a real person, just like how Farid Kamil portrayed Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, would be a great challenge," he added.


Aedy's dream role is playing politician Khairy Jamaludin
Aedy's dream role is playing politician Khairy Jamaludin


(Photo Source: Khairy Jamaluddin IG, Aedy Ashraf IG)