Adele Roberts was having chemo while she was on Bake Off

Adele Roberts: The Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off (Channel 4)
Adele Roberts was having treatment for bowel cancer when she appeared on The Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off. (Channel 4)

Adele Roberts has revealed to fans that she was having chemotherapy while on Celebrity Bake Off.

The BBC Radio 1 presenter, 44, appeared in the channel 4 charity special for Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) on Sunday night, alongside David Morrissey, Lucy Beaumont, and Tom Daley.

In response to a fan on Twitter, Roberts shared that she was having treatment for bowel cancer at the time, had to have an ice machine to stay cool and can barely remember most of the episode.

Read more: UK's four most common cancer types – the signs and symptoms to be aware of

The supportive fan Tweeted: "Loving Tom and Adele on #GBBO for SUTC. Adele is such an inspiration having being given the all clear from Cancer herself recently. You really are such a warrior and true inspiration Adele."

Roberts re-shared the message, adding her reply: "Thank you so much Ryan! I was actually on chemo in the tent. I was overheating most of the time. I had an ice machine to keep me cool.

"I also can’t remember most of this. I know I had an amazing day… but watching it back now is so special."

This led to others appreciating her appearance on the programme even more – Roberts won the technical challenge after baking the best bourbon biscuits.

"You were absolutely amazing on tonight’s SU2C especially after what you have been through – what a role model you are to the rest of us – thank you for being you," one commented.

The official SU2CUK team wrote, "Thanks so much for all of your support, Adele. We're constantly inspired by you!"

Another fan said, "Wow @AdeleRoberts such selflessness. I hope you're more comfy now," to which Roberts replied, "Yes thank you Sarah. My body is feeling much better and coming out of the other side".

Appearing alongside her in the tent, Beaumont added, "I can vouch she's just as wonderful as she seems xxxx."

Read more: Dame Deborah James calls for bowel cancer symptoms to be displayed on loo roll

Adele Roberts, David Morrissey, Lucy Beaumont and Tom Daley: The Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off (Channel 4)
Adele Roberts, David Morrissey, Lucy Beaumont and Tom Daley on the Bake Off charity special. (Channel 4)

Roberts shared she was diagnosed with stage two bowel cancer in October 2021, receiving the all-clear in June last year. She recently spoke about how having treatment early was "life-saving" and supported a campaign to raise awareness of the condition to help others benefit in the same way.

After having surgery to remove the tumour, she went on to use a stoma bag (used to collect your poo), which she appeared on the cover of Women's Health with. In her Twitter bio, she calls herself a "proud parent to Audrey the #Stoma".

The key signs of the disease to be aware of, according to Bowel Cancer UK, are bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo, a persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit, unexplained weight loss, extreme tiredness for no obvious reason, and a pain or lump in your tummy.

Watch: Adele Roberts opens up about the side-effects she is still dealing with following her cancer all-clear