Adele Forgot the Lyrics to “I Drink Wine” Mid-Performance and Had the Best Reaction

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Adele Forgot the Lyrics to “I Drink Wine” Mid-ShowGareth Cattermole - Getty Images

While some of us know every single Adele song by heart due to countless hours spent crying in (1) the shower, (2) bed, and/or (3) empty tubs of ice cream, Adele had a rare slip-up mid-show and fully forgot the lyrics to “I Drink Wine.”

But she handled it impeccably/like the pro she is! By which I mean Adele said, “I forgot the fucking lyrics...bloody hell,” and then proceeded to ask fans for help. Of course, once she was reminded of the lyrics, there was a tech issue and she had to pivot to jokes, but it only added to the vibes.

It’s been quite a week for Adele, who also recently chatted to her audience about having “jock itch.” As she put it, “I sweat a lot, but it doesn’t go anywhere, so I’m basically just sitting in my own sweat. So my doctor gave me Jock Itch. Do guys know what that is? Jock Itch? That sounds like I’m a big Nuggets fan there, doesn’t it?”

She went on to add, “I have to squirt it on myself. I don’t know why the fuck I just told you that.”

The end, nothing more to say, other than...LEGEND.

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