Abe Vigoda is really dead, and the Internet just lost its favorite living celebrity


Death has always been a part of Abe Vigoda's mystique. The veteran actor died Tuesday at the age of 94, but reports of his death were greatly exaggerated for years.

In 1982, People magazine first reported the actor's death. Vigoda was declared dead again in 1987 by the television station WWOR.

That the actor was, in fact, still alive became an early meme — with references and sketches showing up in films such as Good Burger and on Late Night with both David Letterman and Conan O'Brien. Vigoda always played along with good humor.

Then the obsession with Vigoda's death, or non-death, really took off on the Internet.

In 2001, an enterprising person registered the domain abevigoda.com, which simply kept the world abreast of Vigoda's status.

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Screenshot 2016-01-26 15.15.45

A similar website, isabevigodadead.com, answered the same question.

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Screenshot 2016-01-26 15.16.04

Both websites now share the sad news that Vigoda is, in fact, dead.

Over the years, other digital trackers of Vigoda's life were created, too. Many years ago, there was an iPhone app that simply reported Vigoda's life status. There was also a Firefox extension that made sure you were kept aware at all times.

Vigoda outlived them both.

In 2007, an Abe Vigoda Twitter account debuted. For three years, the account would frequently dispatch joking missives, confirming that the actor was still alive.

The account tweeted its first update in more than five years on Tuesday.

Another Twitter account with more than 10,000 followers, @AbeVigodaUpdate, posted daily status updates for the past few weeks. On Tuesday, it simply tweeted, "Dead."

The Internet will miss you, Abe.