57 Famous ‘Friends’ Guest Stars (Photos)

Though “Friends” primarily followed its core six people, the cast certainly had a lot of their own friends stop by the show over the years. In rewatching the show, you might spot a lot of familiar faces that you didn’t remember — or maybe didn’t even know the first time they appeared.

Beginning in 1994, the NBC sitcom ran for 10 seasons. And, considering it ran during the age of television when seasons were usually 23 or 24 episodes long, there were plenty of opportunities for the cast and creators to bring in celebrity guest stars.

Some just came for an episode, and some stuck around a little longer, but each one left their own mark. So, we rounded up just about all of them — excluding those like Tom Selleck and Elliott Gould who were more regularly recurring stars on “Friends.”

You can see the list below.

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1. Morgan Fairchild – One of the first famous faces to show up on “Friends” was soap star Morgan Fairchild. She appears in a handful of episodes as Chandler’s (Matthew Perry) mother.

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2. Jay Leno – He wasn’t credited for it, but Jay Leno did make a guest appearance in “Friends.” It came with the introduction of Morgan Fairchild as Chandler’s mom. She was a famous romance author on the show, so Leno “interviewed” Nora Tyler Bing. And no, they didn’t just use recycled footage!

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3. Jon Lovitz – If you pay close attention, you’ll notice Jon Lovitz shows up twice on “Friends,” and as the same character both times. He plays Steve, a restauranteur friend of Phoebe’s (Lisa Kudrow) in his first appearance. In his second, several seasons later, his life appears to have fallen apart, which he explains in great detail to Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) on a date Phoebe set up.

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4. Helen Hunt and 5. Leila Kenzle – Before Lisa Kudrow was on “Friends,” she starred on NBC’s shortlived “Mad About You,” as Ursula Buffay (who would, of course, go on to be explained in-universe as Phoebe’s twin sister). As a nod to the network’s other sitcom, “Mad About You” stars Helen Hunt and Leila Kenzle pop into Central Perk on one episode of “Friends.”

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6. George Clooney and 7. Noah Wyle – “Mad About You” wasn’t the only NBC show that “Friends” crossed over with. They also welcomed “ER” stars George Clooney and Noah Wyle for two episodes, as hunky doctors who Rachel and Monica (Courteney Cox) attempt to date.

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8. Steve Zahn – Never forget that Steve Zahn played Phoebe’s husband — and eventually, ex-husband — on “Friends.” His character was a figure skater who tried his whole life to be gay, only to come out to Phoebe as straight, and ask for a divorce so he could marry the woman he truly loved.

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9. Brooke Shields – You may not remember her episode right away, but Brooke Shields was indeed a guest star on “Friends.” She played Joey’s (Matt LeBlanc) unhinged stalker Erica, who thought “Days of Our Lives” was actually real. At least she got to lick his hand?

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Warner Bros. Television

10. Jean-Claude Van Damme – Jean-Claude Van Damme was one of the few “Friends” guest stars who actually played himself on the show. He showed up as the star of a movie in which Marcel the Monkey earned a role, and even caused a pretty big fight between Monica and Rachel.

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11. Julia Roberts – Also working on that movie was an old schoolmate of Chandler’s, played by none other than Julia Roberts. Of course, she had a pretty massive grudge against him and got even by tricking him into dating her, then stranding him in the bathroom of a restaurant wearing women’s underwear.

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12. Charlie Sheen – Charlie Sheen was also among the early seasons’ guest stars, appearing in Season 2 as a sailor named Ryan. He and Phoebe had a relationship but sadly, she caught chicken pox just before he was scheduled to resurface. It didn’t matter to Ryan though, and what followed was a bunch of very itchy dates.

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13. David Arquette – For a time, Courteney Cox was actually Courteney Cox-Arquette. She was married to David Arquette, who guest starred on the show the same year “Scream” came out (that set, of course, is where the two met). On “Friends” though, Arquette played an ex-boyfriend of Ursula, who unwittingly begins stalking Phoebe mistaking her for her sister.

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Warner Bros. Television

14. Giovanni Ribisi – OK, technically Giovanni Ribisi is a little more than a guest star, but we couldn’t not include him. He played Phoebe’s little brother Frank Jr. throughout the series. But, he actually appeared as an unnamed character in an episode before Phoebe even learned she had a brother.

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15. Debra Jo Rupp – Shortly after we properly met Frank Jr., we met his former home economics teacher, who became his wife, Alice. She popped up in a handful of episodes, and was played by Debra Jo Rupp, best known for her role as Kitty on “That 70’s Show.”

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Warner Bros. Television

16. Isabella Rossellini – “Friends” even drew famous international faces to their set when Isabella Rossellini appeared as herself in one episode. She was on Ross’ (David Schwimmer) “list” — but not the final version. And that didn’t sit too well with her!

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Warner Bros. Television

17. Mae Whitman – You might not recognize her at first, simply because she was so young at the time, but yes, Mae Whitman did guest star on “Friends” as a child. She played Sarah, the Brownbird scout that Ross accidentally knocked over and broke her leg.

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Warner Bros. Television

18. Jon Favreau – Like Giovanni Ribisi, Jon Favreau was a bit more than just a guest star, but also couldn’t be left out. He appeared in six episodes as Pete Becker, the billionaire tech inventor Monica dates, until he decides to pursue ultimate fighting.

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Warner Bros. Television

19. Ben Stiller – Rachel didn’t date many people on “Friends” besides Ross, but she did date Ben Stiller for an episode! Ross pretty well hated any man who even said Rachel’s name, let alone went out on a date with her, but he at least had a real reason to be skeptical of Stiller’s character, Tommy, since he would regularly yell at people — and animals — for no reason.

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Warner Bros. Television

20. Robin Williams and 21. Billy Crystal – Arguably the most memorable of the “Friends” guest stars, Robin Williams and Billy Crystal famously improvised their entire scene on the show. Williams played a character convinced his wife was cheating, and he was right. She was cheating — with Crystal’s character. The scene was only a few minutes long, but it was certainly dramatic.

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Warner Bros. Television

22. Christine Taylor – Shortly after Ben Stiller guest starred on “Friends,” his future wife did the same. Christine Taylor played Bonnie, a friend of Phoebe’s who used to — very important to remember used to – shave her head. She dates Ross very briefly, until Rachel steals him back.

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Warner Bros. Television

23. Paget Brewster – Before she was solving crimes on “Criminal Minds,” Paget Brewster was a recurring star on “Friends.” She played Kathy, who originally started as Joey’s girlfriend, before realizing she was more compatible with Chandler.

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24. Charlton Heston – Charlton Heston was another legacy name scored by “Friends.” He appeared as himself and gave Joey some advice while starring in a movie together.

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25. Hugh Laurie – When it comes to the “were they on break?” argument about Ross and Rachel, Hugh Laurie’s character came down firmly on the side of yes. He appeared on the show as an irate plane passenger who wound up sitting next to Rachel as she flew to London to stop Ross’ wedding.

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Warner Bros. Television

26. Michael Rapaport – Michael Rapaport snagged his own arc on “Friends” as well, appearing as Gary the policeman. After Phoebe finds his badge at Central Perk and uses it to do good, the two begin dating. But it ends quickly after he shoots a bird chirping too loudly while in Phoebe’s presence.

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Warner Bros. Television

27. Thomas Lennon – You might not remember Joey’s hand twin off the top of your head, but you certainly know his face. He was played by Thomas Lennon, who would go on to become one of the most prolific comedy actors today.

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Warner Bros. Television

28. Missi Pyle – You’ve seen Missi Pyle in a lot of famous projects over the years — from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” to “Percy Jackson” and more — but among the first was “Friends.” She guest starred as a woman who goes on a date with Ross, only to be frightened by his overly whitened teeth.

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Warner Bros. Television

29. Ralph Lauren – For a time, Rachel worked for Ralph Lauren on “Friends.” And yes, he did eventually show up. He had less than five lines, but he was there, and he played himself.

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Warner Bros. Television

30. Elle Macpherson – One of the most famous models of all time, Elle Macpherson did spend some time on “Friends.” She appeared in a handful of episodes as Janine, Joey’s roommate-turned-girlfriend-turned-ex. The relationship was sadly doomed when she made it clear she didn’t like Joey’s friends.

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31. Reese Witherspoon – No one will ever forget the fact that Reese Witherspoon was on “Friends,” especially since she still knows her most famous line all these years later. She played Jill, one of Rachel’s sisters.

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Warner Bros. Television

32. Bruce Willis – Indeed, Bruce Willis is among those who stopped by “Friends” for a bit. He played the father of Elizabeth, the college student Ross began dating. He was a neat guy.

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Warner Bros. Television

33. Kristin Davis – Though she was on an equally famous show of her own with “Sex and the City,” Kristin Davis did have some time for “Friends.” She appears in one episode as one of Joey’s dates, but one he legitimately falls for (after some nudging). Sadly, the feeling wasn’t mutual.

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Warner Bros. Television

34. Jason Alexander – In the hopes of making some extra money, Phoebe eventually starts working as a telemarketer. And, in her endeavors, she ends up calling an office supply manager named Earl, played by Jason Alexander. Unfortunately, he’s not in a good place, mentally, when they cross paths, but she comes through for him.

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Warner Bros. Television

35. Susan Sarandon – It’s hard to take over anyone’s role, but Susan Sarandon? Well, that’s just impossible. Technically, Joey was just taking over Cecilia Monroe’s role, but still, Monroe was played by Sarandon. The two do have a brief fling though.

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Warner Bros. Television

36. Gabrielle Union – Gabrielle Union appeared on one episode in the 7th season of “Friends,” as a girl Joey and Ross both unknowingly start dating. Unfortunately, Union didn’t have a good time on that set, and has talked about it in the years since.

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Warner Bros. Television

37. Denise Richards – Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor weren’t the only future couple who both guest starred on “Friends.” Years after Charlie Sheen appeared, Denise Richards guest starred as Cassie, a cousin of Ross and Monica’s who Ross is…very uncomfortably attracted to.

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Warner Bros. Television

38. Winona Ryder – Winona Ryder appeared in one episode of “Friends” as Melissa, an old sorority sister of Rachel’s. Apparently, the two had a bit of a surprising romantic past, which Melissa clung to pretty fiercely.

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Warner Bros. Television

39. Kathleen Turner – We mentioned Chandler’s mom, so of course we can’t leave out Chandler’s “dad.” Kathleen Turner was cast to portray Chandler’s trans father for the series, only popping up in a small number of episodes. “Friends” co-creator Marta Kauffman has since acknowledged that the show shouldn’t have misgendered the character in its run.

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40. Gary Oldman – If you find yourself re-watching “Friends” and going “Oh my god, is that Gary Oldman?!” The answer is yes. Yes it is. He appeared in two episodes as Joey’s co-star who definitely lost his Oscar races.

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Warner Bros. Television

41. Sean Penn – David Arquette was the first, but not the only famous face that Ursula Buffay dated. She also dated Eric, who was played by Sean Penn.

42. Brad Pitt – Brad Pitt is, of course, one of the most famous guest stars “Friends” ever had, and one of the most memorable. He played Will, an old high school friend of Ross and Monica. Naturally, he hated Rachel.

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43. Alec Baldwin – Phoebe was always the show weirdo, but even she couldn’t handle the strangeness of Parker. Endlessly optimistic — and always very chatty — that particular love interest was played by none other than Alec Baldwin.

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Warner Bros. Television

44. Marlo Thomas – Matthew Perry wasn’t the only “Friends” star who got famous stars for parents. Courteney Cox of course had Elliott Gould as her dad, but Jennifer Aniston had Marlo Thomas playing her mother. We’re including her here because she was really only in a few episodes.

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Warner Bros. Television

45. Hank Azaria – Hank Azaria also toes the line of the meaning of “guest star” but David is too unforgettable. He was Phoebe’s first real love, and nearly got her in the end. Paul Rudd is just too charming to stand against, man.

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46. Freddie Prinze Jr. – One of Ross’ more toxic traits — and there were plenty — was that he was severely uncomfortable with the idea of a man working as a nanny. So, he sadly fired Sandy, who was played by Freddie Prinze Jr.

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Warner Bros. Television

47. Christina Applegate – With Marlo Thomas for a mom and Reese Witherspoon as one sister, it seems inevitable that Rachel’s second sister would be another famous surprise. And indeed, Amy was played by Christina Applegate.

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48. Selma Blair While stuck in Tulsa, Oklahoma for Christmas, Chandler is stranded at the office with one of his co-workers, played by none other than Selma Blair. Monica is pretty worried about this, and with fair reason; Wendy does try to get Chandler to cheat. But, she’s unsuccessful.

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Warner Bros. Television

49. Dermot Mulroney – Dermot Mulroney guest starred as another co-worker on “Friends,” but this one being for Rachel. He played Gavin, who took over Rachel’s position while she was on maternity leave. The two have a brief fling, but it’s short-lived, thanks to the Ross of it all.

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Warner Bros. Television

50. Alex Borstein – Technically, Alex Borstein probably wasn’t considered a guest star when she appeared on “Friends,” but given where she is now, we’re counting her. She played the actress at the center of the one-woman show Chandler gets trapped into seeing when his friends forget to tell him about Joey’s soap opera roof party.

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Warner Bros. Television

51. John Stamos – When Monica and Chandler realize they can’t have kids, they turn to the option of sperm donors. Of course, they’d prefer someone they know, so they “interview” Chandler’s co-worker, Zach. John Stamos took on that role.

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Warner Bros. Television

52. Aisha Tyler – Once again, she veers dangerously close to the “recurring” category, but we’re including Tyler here. She played Charlie, a fellow paleontologist who dates Joey, then Ross, before eventually going back to her ex.

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Warner Bros. Television

53. Greg Kinnear – That ex Charlie goes back to, of course, is Greg Kinnear. He played Benjamin Hobart, a literal genius who broke up with Charlie months prior. Upon seeing her again, he immediately tries sabotaging her relationship with Ross.

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Warner Bros. Television

54. Jennifer Coolidge – Jennifer Coolidge’s episode may be one of the most pleasantly surprising, in terms of guest stars. She plays Amanda, an old “friend” of Phoebe and Monica, who they desperately try to phase out of their lives.

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Warner Bros. Television

55. Anna Faris – Eventually, Monica and Chandler decide to adopt. They’re chosen by a young mother in Ohio, who’s played by Anna Faris. This was after her breakout success in “Scary Movie.”

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Warner Bros. Television

56. Danny DeVito – We’re nearly at the end of our list here, but we can’t let you go without remembering that Danny DeVito not only guest starred on “Friends,” but guest starred as an aging stripper. It’s a true highlight of the series.

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57. Dakota Fanning – The final guest star of the series ended up being Dakota Fanning. She played a little girl who was moving out of the house that Chandler and Monica were moving into, and struck up a fast friendship with Joey over their bitterness about it.

The post 57 Famous ‘Friends’ Guest Stars (Photos) appeared first on TheWrap.