5 Ways To Have Fun In Singapore Without Spending A Lot Of Money

This article was originally on GET.com at: 5 Ways To Have Fun In Singapore Without Spending A Lot Of Money

Earlier in 2015, Singapore was named the world's more expensive city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

We all know the usual complaints about the high costs of owning a car and sky-high property prices.

But on a day-to-day basis, there are always ways to live on the cheap. Think about the $3 chicken rice and $1 Kopi you can buy from the local coffeeshop.

Do you really need to go to have an expensive brunch at a cafe and pay $6 for a cappuccino and $20 for eggs and an english muffin?

Similarly, when it comes to having fun, instead of splurging on a restaurant outing, how about trying out GET.com's 5 suggestions below to have some fun without breaking the bank?

1. Visit A Pasar Malam

Image source: sethlui.com

A Pasar Malam, or night market used to be much more prevalent around neighbourhoods in Singapore but you can still see them once in a while these days.

There's a lot of street food and cheap things to buy, and strolling through a Pasar Malam provides a good way to spend time with your family.

With the multi-cultural demographic of Singapore, you'll also find many festival markets pop up during the different new year festivities.

The Chinatown markets, Geylang Serai Ramadan markets and Deepavali light-up at Little India are good choices for outings to experience culture and street food that doesn't cost much.

2. Enjoy Public Parks

Image source: nparks.gov.sg

Singapore is well known for being a garden city and living in Singapore has made us take this for granted.

Ask any tourist in the street and they will tell you how amazed they are with the greenery that surrounds the robust little red dot.

We have lots of free parks (did you know our Botanical Gardens have just achieved a UNESCO status?) where you can take a walk, bring your dog for a run or enjoy a picnic.

3. Libraries

When was the last time you read a book, or went to the library? With the digital age, most of us are staring at a screen for for at least 4 to 5 hours a day.

Even if you are reading news and articles on your computer, reading on a book is just different. You immerse yourself more when you read from a paper and the reading experience is deeper.

What's more, going to the library is free and a great family outing to share the love of reading with the younger generation.

4. Free Events

The Singapore art scene has definitely matured in the last 5 years, and there are now a number of events going on each weekend. Check out websites such as events.insing.com or yoursingapore.com for to-dos and events each week.

5. Get Discount Tickets For Singapore Attractions

Being in Singapore, one should perhaps visit some of our world-class tourist attractions so at least if our foreign friends ask us about it, we are not ignorant.

However, there are cheaper ways to visit attractions, especially if you plan ahead. Instead of deciding one Saturday morning that you are going to visit the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, buy tickets in advance so that you can take advantage of discounts.

For instance, sometimes there are credit card promotions for Sentosa, or Groupon tickets you can buy for visiting the Trickeye Museum.

Hunt around a bit and you'll be pleasantly surprised to know that it's not hard to find discount tickets for these attractions.

What do you think? Share your comments with us below!

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