5 prime things about Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterised by severe periods of depression that alternate from primary to secondary (mania) or vice versa. Panic attacks are the most powerful.

People who have bipolar disorder have difficulty managing daily tasks such as education, employment, and social relationships. There is no permanent cure for bipolar disorder, but, with the right amount of therapeutic mental intervention, symptoms linked with the condition can be treated.

Young woman facing bipolar disorder - happy and sad two-faced expression
Young woman facing bipolar disorder - happy and sad two-faced expression

Bipolar disorder can be a complex disease to understand for people on the outside looking in. Individuals who have bipolar disorder may be reluctant to express or accept their feelings, making it difficult to determine how the disease affects them. However, acquiring a deeper understanding of the subject can be performed by investigating the very first perspectives of persons who have lived with the sickness.

Many people indicate that they would instead use psychotherapy and nutritional supplements to manage their ailments than prescription medications. Several people may like the polar opposite. As a result, people's outcomes may differ substantially.

The five prime things below will help to dispel some of the myths surrounding bipolar disorder.

1. The average age of onset is 25.

In adolescence, indications of bipolar disorder—bursts of excessive activity and less sleep mixed with periods of intense depressive episodes—appear. Nobody knows why bipolar disorder happens so commonly at this point. Nonetheless, it is crucial to understand because bipolar illness can occur at any age. Bipolar disorder can affect children as well as adults.

2. Bipolar disorder is the world's 6th-leading cause of death and disability.

Because bipolar disorder affects a person's mood, energy, and demeanor, it can substantially impact a person's ability to operate, have relationships, manage money, and successfully raise children. It is also not uncommon for bipolar disorder to coexist with other health concerns such as migraines, cardiovascular disease, obesity, insulin resistance, hyperthyroidism, and drug abuse. Any of these issues could make it challenging to perform regularly. When extreme mood swings are combined with poor physical health, it is simple to see why bipolar disorder is a leading cause of death and disability globally.

3. There are four types of bipolar disorder.

Medical and psychiatric doctors divide bipolar disorder into four categories: Bipolar I disorder is defined by bipolar (“up”) spells that last at least seven days or are severe enough to need hospitalization. Unipolar depression occurs as well, and it usually lasts at least two weeks. Less extreme mood swings distinguish bipolar II disorder. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder II experience hypomanic episodes, or moderate excitation and restlessness, rather than severe spells of insanity. Cyclothymia is characterized by a series of hypomanic and depressive episodes that persist for at least two months. Other defined and unidentified bipolar and associated illnesses refer to any bipolar disorders that do not fit into different categories.

4. Bipolar disorder is, in fact, a genetic condition.

As many as two-thirds of people with bipolar disorder have at least one close family member who also has the disease. Although empirical evidence clearly shows that bipolar illness is genetic, most people with a family history disorder do not develop bipolar symptoms. An identical twin of a bipolar disorder has a 25% to 45 percent chance of not developing the condition.

5. Treatment allows people to live more active lives.

Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, therapy and drugs can help people manage their stress. Stimulants (especially lithium) and antidepressants are two medications that are regularly used to treat depression. Counseling, often known as talk therapy, can help people and their families understand and manage problems with a reliable practitioner. It may take some time to find the treatment or combination of therapies that best relieves pain while causing the fewest side effects. Although medication cannot cure bipolar disorder, constant, long-term treatment of symptoms can help individuals live productively.

Famous individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder

It is never easy to talk openly about mental illness, yet many prominent individuals have lived with bipolar disorder and have bravely told their stories. Here are some celebrities and well-known people who have battled bipolar disorder.

· Shama Sikandar is a Bollywood star who suffers from bipolar disorder and depression. And she blames her mental condition on society as a whole, blaming it on her indoctrination as a movie star with a famous TV show.

· Deepika Padukone spoke up about her grief and founded the Live Love Laugh Foundation.

· Parveen Babi had paranoid schizophrenia as well as severe depressive illness.

· Yo-Yo Honey Singh - throughout his lengthy career, this singer-songwriter musician's compositions became instant hits with the general public. He was a devotee of rap music. But mysteriously, this youth icon vanished from the frame, prompting numerous theories. He then admitted that he had bipolar disorder and was a recovering alcoholic. Along with his will, conviction, and transparency, he received sympathetic doctors, friends, and family assistance. His love of music and singing aided him in overcoming his illness and resurfacing as a flame!

· Shah Rukh Khan has confessed struggling with depression.

· Manisha Koirala was suffering from a severe case of major depressive disorder.

Celebrities admitting to bipolar and depressive disorders increase mental health awareness. Furthermore, it raises awareness and understanding of mental illnesses.