The 5 Best Theories About ABC's Next 'Bachelorette' Star Have Everything to Do With Major Spoilers

the bachelor
The 5 Best Theories About the Next 'Bachelorette'Michael Kirchoff

Because time is a flat circle and we're clearly on some kind of reality television hamster wheel, The Bachelorette is already almost upon us. Which means the time has come to gather up all our best theories on which poor soul lucky woman ABC will pick as its next leading lady. And honestly, we have some pretty good contenders this year thanks to the casting department coming through for Joey Graziadei's shockingly shocking season of The Bachelor.

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Photo credit: Michael Kirchoff - ABC
Photo credit: Michael Kirchoff - ABC

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Photo credit: Christopher Willard - Getty Images
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Photo credit: Joey Graziadei - Instagram
Photo credit: Joey Graziadei - Instagram

Reality Steve continues to provide for Bachelor Nation!!

Check out the best theories on who might be Bachelorette, and FYI some *major spoilers* are in this article (they kinda have to be in order to really dig into things!).


Daisy Kent

Based on the latest Joey spoilers, Daisy is 100 percent the most likely person to be named Bachelorette. Why, you ask? According to Reality Steve, Daisy realizes that Kelsey Anderson is Joey's pick ahead of the Final Rose Ceremony, and—after a mature convo with Kelsey—she breaks up with Joey before he can dump her on television. As Steve put it, "Daisy basically told him she knows it’s not her, and it was a positive breakup," which obviously makes her a clear front-runner for Bachelorette.

TBD if Daisy will accept the offer, but Reality Steve says "clearly the show would want Daisy in that position."

Maria Georgas

Maria has been a somewhat divisive figure this season due to all the drama in Bachelor Mansion, but she's incredibly real and unfiltered (a rarity on this show!) and also super funny. Like, tell me you didn't laugh during this moment:

If ABC doesn't go with Daisy, we could definitely see producers asking Maria based on it being pretty much guaranteed she'll deliver a show full of humor, antics, and authenticity. And judging from the vibes on Twitter, people want her:

Rachel Nance

Rachel is another obvious contender for Bachelorette based on the fact that she's truly a lovely person and the fact that she makes it pretty far in Joey's season. And she definitely has a lot of support on Twitter.

I mean, considering The Bachelorette's viewership success hinges on how invested fans are in their lead, gonna assume the casting directors are paying attention to these tweets (and if they aren't, they should be)!

Jenn Tran

Speaking of social media, fans are obsessed with the idea of Jenn Tran being Bachelorette—and rightly so! She's sweet, genuine, and has a great personality.

Rachel Recchia

Rachel has already done The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise, so chances she'd do The Bachelorette *again* seem slim. But she is currently single and recently said, “I think I used to take dating super super seriously and now I’m just very much in my unserious dating era. Unserious, but also if you want to go Vegas and get married I’m also going to be down for that too.”

Obviously, we'll update this list with other contenders—not to mention who gets the gig when The Bachelorette is (likely) announced during Joey's live After the Final Rose ceremony.

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