41 Flour-Free Dessert Recipes Basically Made To Enjoy During Passover

matzo magic bars

From matzo ball soup to brisket, with lots of fun sides in between, you might have your savory menu covered for Passover—where things can get a little tricky is when it comes to dessert time. When you celebrate Passover (or Pesach) every year, it's easy to rely on the flourless classics across the board, and we totally get it. It’s hard to come up with fun, creative options year after year! These 41 flourless dessert recipes (for cookies, cakes, and other easy treats) have your back—they're great for Passover, and all year long.

If you’re unfamiliar, the term “Passover” refers to the biblical stories of the 10 plagues sent by God to convince the Egyptian pharaoh to “let the Jewish people go” and the eventual exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt. As the story goes, they packed in such a hurry that they didn’t have enough time to even let their bread rise (if you’ve ever made homemade bread, you can imagine), and only were able to bring unleavened, cracker-like bread called matzo with them. To celebrate this exodus, Jewish people today continue to remove chametz from their diets (and their homes, for some strict households) for the duration of Passover, as well as make sure all other ingredients they’re using are specified Kosher for Passover. Simply put, chametz is basically any flour product like bread, cereal, cake, cookies, pasta, etc. In addition, they must continue to follow general Kosher rules (meat and dairy can’t be eaten in the same meal, though fish and eggs are considered neutral, or pareve; no pork products; etc.)

Here we’ve included some fun ideas for desserts to make with matzo (toffee! icebox cake! MAGIC BARS), as well as other traditional Passover desserts, like coconut macaroons and meringues. Want to jazz up your meringue game even more? You're going to love our pavlova, or our pavlova cupcakes with raspberry sauce. We’ve also got a flourless chocolate cake, plus a peanut butter version (if you allow kitniyot, or legumes, during Passover) and a salted chocolate coconut version. They’re so good, you’re going to want to make them year round.

You’ll note a number of desserts we’ve included are vegan, like our vegan cheesecake or coconut ice cream—because they don’t contain real milk, you’re in the clear for eating them even after a meat-heavy dinner. You won’t even miss the dairy, we promise!

This time of year, we love making extra sweet treats to share with our friends and families. Everyone loves being gifted cookies, like our walnut snowballs or snickerdoodle shortbread, or barks, like our sweet 'n' salty chocolate bark or almond toffee. Just be mindful of how strict your gift receiver is about Passover guidelines—when in doubt, buy Kosher for Passover ingredients.

If baking seems too stressful, check out our list of our favorite store-bought Passover desserts too.

Air Fryer Coconut Macaroons

These are the perfect bite-size treat for any time of day—feel free to skip the chocolate if you want to keep them less sweet. For a pink, raspberry version, smash 1/4 cup fresh raspberries into the foamy egg white mixture with a fork and then toss in the coconut.

Get the Air Fryer Coconut Macaroons recipe.

air fryer coconut macaroons

Chocolate Mousse

In our minds, chocolate mousse is pretty much a super-airy pudding. The chocolate flavor needs to be really strong, and the texture needs to be pillowy and smooth. We've included a few different ways to achieve these—just avoid the gelatin one, and you'll be on your way to a delicious Passover dessert in no time!

Get the Chocolate Mousse recipe.

chocolate mousse in containers topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings

Honey-Roasted Pears

Lusciously glazed with honey, these roasted pears showcase elegant flecks of vanilla bean and are finished with colorful lemon zest and a dusting of fresh thyme. They can be served on their own for a light bite to satisfy a sweet tooth, or—our favorite—as a complete dessert, with a scoop of cool and creamy, like vanilla ice cream or sweetened Greek yogurt.

Get the Honey-Roasted Pears recipe.

sliced pears roasted and caramelized in the oven with lemon zest

Matzo Magic Bars

If you've ever had magic bars (aka seven-layer bars), you know a great dessert doesn't have to be complicated. These matzo-based bars are a genius play on the no-fuss sweet à la cookbook author Molly Yeh, and they're the perfect Passover dessert when you don't have time to make coconut macaroons.

Get the Matzo Magic Bars recipe.

matzo magic bars

Easy Sorbet

No ice cream maker? No problem! We've included a traditional recipe and a no-churn recipe. A churned sorbet will be smoother and creamier than a no-churn one, but the no-churn sorbet is every bit as refreshing.

Get the Easy Sorbet recipe.

raspberry strawberry sorbet
Andrew bui

Pavlova Cupcakes With Raspberry Sauce

Pavlovas have a crispy exterior with a soft, marshmallow-like interior, and these mini ones made into cupcakes are ideal for serving to guests. Dollop with a little homemade whipped cream and raspberry sauce for the perfect bite.

Get the Pavlova Cupcakes With Raspberry Sauce recipe.

pavlova cupcakes topped with whipped cream and raspberry sauce

Matzoh Icebox Cake

This tastes just like tiramisu! Make it the day before your celebration to ensure the matzo has enough time to soak and turn cakey.

Get the Matzoh Icebox Cake recipe.

matzo icebox cake with a slice taken out on a white plate

French Macarons

These delicate French cookies are somehow simultaneously crispy, chewy, soft, and light as air. This makes them the perfect blank canvas for creative flavors and colors. Make sure all your ingredients are room temperature to achieve the greatest success.

Get the Easy French Macarons recipe.

pink, green, and yellow macarons lined up together


If you can't make it to Italy, our homemade gelato recipe will at least make you feel like you're living your best life, right at home. And if you’ve never experienced authentic gelato, then you might just surprise yourself with how much you love it (maybe even more than American ice cream, but don't worry—we won't tell 😉).

Get the Gelato recipe.


Chocolate Toffee Matzo

This candy has become a post-seder classic and is a great way to utilize any extra matzo you bought. Make a lot and give as gifts!

Get the Chocolate Toffee Matzo recipe.

matzo toffee


Brigadeiros are super easy to make. They take some finesse, but come together quickly, and you gotta love an assembly line-style treat. Do like many Brazilians do, and keep a can of condensed milk in your kitchen cabinet, so you’ll always be minutes away from enjoying these chewy, chocolate delights.

Get the Brigadeiros recipe.

brigadeiros covered in chocolate and rainbow sprinkles, and chopped pistachios and almonds
Hearst Owned

Easy Halva

Sephardic Jews rejoice, tahini-based halva (similar to fudge, but less sweet, if you're unfamiliar) is super-easy to make at home! We're obsessed.

Get the Easy Halva recipe.


Best Almond Cake

This is one of those gluten-free and dairy-free recipes that we turn to again and again—it's that good. If you're crazy about citrus, go heavy on the zest (any type!), and your cake will shine like the sun.

Get the Best Almond Cake recipe.

slice of almond cake on a blue plate with strawberries and whipped cream

Flourless Chocolate Coconut Cake

Don't be surprised when you see cracks in the top of this chocolate cake—this is normal with flourless cakes, since steam causes the batter to expand while baking. When the temperature cools, it'll collapse back down, creating the signature cracks. Topped with a layer of cocoa powder, the result is gorgeously artistic.

Get the Flourless Chocolate Coconut Cake recipe.

flourless chocolate coconut cake

Strawberry Chocolate Mousse Cups

Chocolate and strawberries go together like peanut butter and jelly—it's a combo we can't get enough of. For this no-bake dessert, we made edible cups out of chocolate and filled them with a light and airy chocolate mousse for a decadent dessert. Top it off with a strawberry, and you have a perfectly simple Passover dessert.

Get the Strawberry Chocolate Mousse Cups recipe.

strawberry chocolate mousse cups delishcom

Poached Pears

Have some underripe pears you have no clue what to do with? Why not poach 'em! Poaching slightly underripe pears makes them tender and sweet, while allowing them to maintain their structure. Once poached, they can be served warm or cold, garnished with a caramel reduction of the cooking liquid, and accompanied with everything from ice cream to whipped cream to yogurt.

Get the Poached Pears recipe.

poached pears
Hearst Owned

Amaretti Cookies

If you like French macarons, you might like this take on Italian amaretti cookies. Soft, pillowy, moist, sweet, and lightly scented with amaretto liqueur as well as citrus zests, amaretti is in our top 10 cookies of all time.

Get the Amaretti Cookies recipe.

amaretti cookies dusted with powdered sugar

Ultimate Macaroons

When you just can't stand any more matzo-based desserts, make these gluten-free coconut macaroons instead. You could skip the chocolate, but we don't recommend it. 😉

Get the Ultimate Macaroons recipe.

Parker Feierbach

Gluten-Free Almond Thumbprints

This buttery cookie base tastes amazing with just about any kind of jam filling. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry...the sky's the limit!

Get the Gluten-Free Almond Thumbprints recipe.

gluten free almond thumbprints
Emily Hlavac Green

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Cocoa powder and eggs give this gluten-free cake all the lift and structure it needs. It can be made ahead of time too—just wait 'til right before serving to pour the ganache to really wow your guests.

Get the Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe.

flourless chocolate cake
Parker feierbach

Best-Ever Fruit Salad

Really? A recipe for fruit salad? Yes, you need it. Because this simple dressing takes strawberries, raspberries, and mangoes to a whole new level. Sweet syrupy honey, fresh tart orange juice, and bright lemon zest come together to elevate your fruit (even if they're out of season) to new heights.

Get the Best-Ever Fruit Salad recipe.

fruit salad

Flourless Fudge Cookies

We skipped the flour and butter but still created the fudgiest cookie with the crispiest edges—this recipe is a keeper, for Passover and beyond.

Get the Flourless Fudge Cookies recipe.

flourless fudge cookies
Parker feierbach

Matzo Granola

Observing Passover doesn’t have to mean missing out on your favorite carby sweet snacks, especially if you’re a cereal or trail mix nut. When crumbled by hand, the ever-versatile unsalted matzo makes a crisp yet hearty base for the perfect granola.

Get the Matzo Granola recipe.

matzo granola with almonds, pistachios, dried cherries, and pomegranate molasses

Vegan Cheesecake

Vegan means no worrying about dairy in your post-Passover meal. The secret is soaked cashews! Cashews are an amazing ingredient that can be used across a variety of recipes, in anything ranging from a sweet & sour stir-fry to super-creamy vegan mac & cheese, and it's no exception here.

Get the Vegan Cheesecake recipe.

vegan cheesecake with raspberry sauce

Triple Almond Cookies

This almond cookie is a carefree, one-bowl affair that yields cute little bites with a whole lot of texture. Almonds make an appearance in three forms in this recipe: almond butter, almond flour, and sliced almonds. Eat them fresh for a warm, cakey bite, or let them cool for a soft-on-the-inside, crisp-on-the-edges experience.

Get the Triple Almond Cookies recipe.

almond cookies delishcom
June xie

Meringue Cookies

Meringues may look fancy AF, but they're actually easy to make—so long as you keep beating the egg white-sugar mixture until you get stiff and glossy peaks.

Get the Best Meringue Cookies recipe.

meringue cookies
Lucy Schaeffer

Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake

We gave the classic flourless chocolate cake an upgrade in the form of LOTS of peanut butter. Try swirling peanut butter into our flourless fudge cookies too!

Get the Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake recipe.

flourless chocolate cake with a peanut butter glaze in a pattern on top

Coconut Ice Cream

This coconut milk ice cream is no joke. Not only is it dairy-free, but it's completely vegan too. It's ultra-creamy with a sweet coconut flavor that only gets better topped with toasted coconut. We love it with real vanilla bean, but you can easily use an additional teaspoon of vanilla extract if you don't have it!

Get the Coconut Ice Cream recipe.

coconut ice cream topped with toasted coconut shavings in a pink bowl

Coconut Cookies

Looking for something a bit off the beaten cookie path for Passover? Soft and chewy, with slightly golden crispy edges, these simple cookies really let their star ingredient—coconut—shine. Almond flour adds to their nutty vibes, as well as makes this recipe gluten-free, meaning it’s great for sharing with a flourless crowd.

Get the Coconut Cookies recipe.

coconut cookies topped with toasted coconut chips

Keto Magic Cookies

These cookies are seriously magical. Super-easy to make and without any flour, you can feel good about eating way more than just one. Make sure neither your coconut oil or butter is melted. You want them both at room temperature but solid, or the cookies will spread too much while baking.

Get the Keto Magic Cookies recipe.

magic keto cookies

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Is there anything better than chocolate-covered strawberries? We think not. They're indulgent and classy, romantic and a little cheesy—just sweet enough to make you and your loved ones smile this Passover.

Get the Chocolate Covered Strawberries recipe.

delish chocolate covered strawberries
Hearst Owned

Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

Buckwheat flour is a nutritional powerhouse: high in fiber and minerals, it's known for its cardiovascular benefits. Meanwhile, glutinous rice flour acts as a milky, starchy binder and almond flour helps to create a rich, nutty, plushy chew. The barely detectable pinch of lavender works together with bright citrus and smokey coffee to balance out the earthiness of the gluten-free flours, and a touch of milk powder completes the flavor package.

Get the Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.

gluten free buckwheat cookies

Chocolate Toffee

This recipe is really simple, but toffee in general can be a littttlllleee fussy. Our biggest piece of advice: WHISK CONSTANTLY! The moment you walk away from the saucepan, the butter and sugar will separate.

Get the Chocolate Toffee recipe.

chocolate almond toffee

Chocolate Almond Bark

This homemade chocolate bark puts just about any store-bought chocolate candy to shame, offering an unbeatable sweet, salty, crunchy hit to the palate. Feel free to get creative with your add-ins (we think dried fruit or additional nuts would be delicious).

Get the Chocolate Almond Bark recipe.

chocolate almond bark

Gluten-Free Brownies

There are NO alternative flours in this gluten-free recipe. 😲 If you've also been burned by the graininess caused by almond and rice flours and want a simple brownie recipe that really pumps up the chocolate levels—this one is it!

Get the Gluten-Free Brownies recipe.

stack of gluten free brownies topped with nuts

Air Fryer GF Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

You won't believe these little cookies only have six ingredients, not including a pinch of salt (most of which you probably already have on hand!). We made 'em mini so you can eat more of them! 😊

Get the Air Fryer GF Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.

air fryer gf peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies

Walnut Snowball Cookies

Though you may not have a snowy Passover, these gluten-free snowball cookies will state taste just as good in the spring.

Get the Walnut Snowball Cookies recipe.

keto walnut snowball cookies

Snickerdoodle Shortbread Cookies

Who doesn't love a good snickerdoodle?! We took inspiration from one of our all-time favorite cookies for this flourless shortbread, with the addition of shredded coconut and coconut flour for a hint of tropical flavor. We're hooked.

Get the Keto Snickerdoodle Shortbread Cookies recipe.

keto snickerdoodle shortbread cookies

Chocolate Soufflé

If your soufflé attempts have always turned out flat and sunken in, this recipe is here to help. We've got all the tips and tricks to help you make a perfect light, airy, and decadent chocolate dessert to impress all your Passover guests.

Get the Chocolate Soufflé recipe.

chocolate souffle
Hearst Owned

Best-Ever Pavlova

Pavlova is basically a giant meringue that gets topped with whipped cream and berries, and it's actually pretty easy to make: All you need is some patience. The key to perfection is drying it out, which requires you leaving it in a (turned off) oven overnight after it bakes.

Get the Best-Ever Pavlova recipe.

Hearst Owned

Banana Split Pops

These are adorable and so fun to make! Kids love them too and can help with the construction. Just make sure your sprinkles are Kosher for Passover.

Get the Banana Split Pops recipe.

banana split pops
Chelsea Lupkin

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