39 Horrifying Photos That Literally Gave Me A Visceral Reaction — Like, I Feel Like I Need To Wipe My Mind Clean

1....Aight, Imma head out.

"If you discover a dead body..."
u/EndersGame_Reviewer / Via reddit.com

2.This is actually my worst nightmare!!!!

a branch through a driver's seat

3.This is also a massive fear of mine.

a spider crawling out of a man's ear
u/adamlm / Via reddit.com

4.What in the Michael Myers...

"Please be careful"
u/Gucci1827 / Via reddit.com


an alligator in someone's flooded house
u/Detterius / Via reddit.com

6.If I opened my car's hood to see this, I would simply abandon the car for good.

a snake in a car engine

7.As someone who frequents Goodwill, I am going to have to rethink my thrifting habits.

a snake on some picture frames
u/DammitPardus / Via reddit.com

8.And as someone who frequently takes the subway...I think I'm going to start walking!

a flooded train
u/MeccIt / Via reddit.com

9.Yeah, I'd move!!!

"I saw all the blood stains on your seats"


A symbol on someone's attic floor
u/gamecubensis / Via reddit.com


a bug in someone's light
u/RealJakeyPooV / Via reddit.com

12.Safe to say I would not be putting in an offer on this house!

outline of a body on the floor
u/McDirty09 / Via reddit.com


closeup of a rish

14.New fear unlocked!!!

a cracked plane window
u/Left-Cap-6046 / Via reddit.com

15.Sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little.

closeup of a hand holding some kind of vegetable

16.Imagine going for a little evening stroll and seeing A LITERAL LION.

a lion walking through a neighborhood

17.Fair warning: This gif made me scream.

"I found a tarantula in my house"
u/louyplays / Via reddit.com

18.I didn't even know snakes could GET this big. Someone call Harry Potter.

a giant snake
u/edugabao / Via reddit.com

19.I also didn't know spiders could get this big...once again, call Harry Potter.

a giant spider
u/AnnaSophiaHubby5 / Via reddit.com

20.I don't even WANT to know what this is.

a giant bug on a door
FGreght / Via reddit.com

21.Listen, I like skiing, but you couldn't PAY me to go down this slope.

skiers on a steep slope

22.No thanks!!!

u/Embarrassed-Yam-610 / Via reddit.com

23.Imagine those being loose literally anywhere within a 100-foot radius of you.

"My tarantula had babies"

24.If baby rats fell out of my pants, I would never wear pants again.

baby rats on the floor
u/strangehitman22 / Via reddit.com

25.Imagine your friend hands you this controller.

a centipede in a controller

26.Or this one.

a bunch of little bugs on a controller
u/KiddieSpread / Via reddit.com

27.Great, another Final Destination death barely avoided.

"My father was almost pulled into a lathe while working"

28.These wet footprints from a stranger in bare feet walking up to someone's door are more than a lil ominous.

foot prints outside someone's door
u/_RedditDiver_ / Via reddit.com

29.Remember murder hornets??? Yeah, I tried to forget about them, too.

a murder hornets nest
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

30.Snakes are terrifying enough. Do we really have to have snakes that can swim???

a snake swimming up to someone's surf board
u/I_d0nt_really_kn0w / Via reddit.com

31.I feel like...I wasn't meant to see this.

an octopus

32.I also feel like I shouldn't have seen this creature...and that it's about to gouge out my eyes.

closeup of a large bird
u/Flat_March2360 / Via reddit.com

33.This is outside a HOSPITAL. Good thing, too, because I'd faint at the sight.

bugs all over the ground

34.How is this person just filming this???

a massive wave approaching
u/QuaintMushrooms / Via reddit.com

35.These people are WAY too casual about this mall flooding.

a mall flooding

36.I've never seen a wildfire up close, and after seeing this gif, I never want to.

closeup of a wildfire
u/joeylmao / Via reddit.com

37.I feel similarly about tornados now!!!

A house being hit by a tornado
u/VariousBasket125 / Via reddit.com

38.Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me, dawg.

a giant spider
u/Informal-Presence562 / Via reddit.com

39.And finally, I'm going to give this a soulful, resounding NOPE.

closeup of a tick
u/showmeurkitties592 / Via reddit.com