37 Horribly Selfish People Who Thought They Were The Most Important Person In The World And That No One Else Mattered

1.This person, who shared a news article about Matthew Perry's death, then made it about themselves by adding this.

"(He also told me I was pretty once on raya so this feels like a personal loss)"

2.This person, who ruined going to the movies for everyone.

A person with their bright phone on in a movie
u/Akirex5000 / Via reddit.com

3.This person, who thinks just because they're a D1 athlete, they can leave their stuff in the dryer for three hours...when there's only two dryers to begin with.

"Sorry, I'm a D1 athlete and had practice."
u/hsbbdhshsbs / Via reddit.com

4.This person, who was angry a farmer started farming on his own land, because she had been using it as a "dog walking area."

A sign on a fence
u/gEeKyGrEeKGaL / Via reddit.com

5.This person was mad a stranger didn't offer them their umbrella.

"Didn't even offer to share it"
u/Rickjob / Via reddit.com

6.This person, who thought opening someone else's mail was fine because they were "curious."

"Opened it bc I got curious"
u/CashmirFunk / Via reddit.com

7.This woman, who called 911 because she didn't get the right pizza.

"How do we know this? Because she called 9-1-1."
u/MrCriminalScum / Via reddit.com

8.This person, who used the price scanner as a stand for their phone so they could livestream at Target...ignoring everyone who actually needed to use the price scanner.

a woman filming herself using a price scanner
u/Shot_Set_4497 / Via reddit.com

9.This person, who posted a negative review for a cafe because another customer made a comment about how she should've asked before petting his dog...then posted a photo of the guy and his dog for all to see.

"Minus that this place is awesome."
u/Prestigious_Brick746 / Via reddit.com

10.This man, who was also apparently vaping and blasting Netflix on a public bus, besides taking up two seats and putting his dirty shoes on a seat.

a man with his dirty feet on a bus seat
u/spkos / Via reddit.com

11.This woman, who pretended she had an allergy at a hospital.

"I just don't really like the sound the latex gloves make, dear."
u/PMmeSimpsonsmemes / Via reddit.com

12.This person, who took up an extra parking space just 'cause.

an orange cone blocking a parking spot
u/66throw666away66 / Via reddit.com

13.This guy at a hockey game who refused to take off his stupid giant hat that was blocking everyone's view, then apparently called being asked to remove it "the most ridiculous thing that’s ever happened to him."

a man with a big hat
greenoctopusink / Via reddit.com

14.And this person, who blocked the view of Beyoncé's Renaissance tour with her umbrella then refused to put it away.

a woman with an umbrella at a concert
u/AkaJokerPlays / Via reddit.com

15.This person, who got pissy about the FREE seats they were given as a gift.

"You couldn't help that the seats were bad"
u/psychonautic_savior / Via reddit.com

16.This person, who expected a restaurant to open an hour early for them.

"The owner (I presume) said they didn't open til 11"
u/savealltheelephants / Via reddit.com

17.And this person, who similarly expected a doctor to see them before the practice opened.

"i explained that i didn't have an appointment"
u/PetJackdaws / Via reddit.com

18.This person, who took up three different electric vehicle charging spots with a single car.

a car taking up multiple spots
u/huge_dick_mcgee / Via reddit.com

19.This person, who "reserved" a workout bench by putting their stuff on it then disappeared for 15 minutes and is the reason I now work out from home.

"I only needed 10min I could have been done already."
u/Lizardking1967 / Via reddit.com

20.This person, who ignored caution tape.

"Umm, there was caution tape..."
u/Sea_Panic9863 / Via reddit.com

21.This person on an airplane.

a person's hair on an airplane blocking someone's screen
u/cala4878 / Via reddit.com

22.And this person, who somehow managed to be even more disgusting.

a person's feet on someone's tray table in a plane
u/ErmineOfMight / Via reddit.com

23.This person, who I actually think would cause me to never fly again.

a person's hands blocking someone's screen
u/d_p_e_k / Via reddit.com

24.And the guy who manspread and literally put his foot beneath his neighbor's seat.

a man's foot impeding on someone else's space
u/Melphor / Via reddit.com

25.This person, who felt the need to install these on their tires.

Tire spokes sticking out
u/____Maximus____ / Via reddit.com

26.This person, who is apparently a cop, and they think that gives them the right to park in a non-spot (between two handicap spots, no less!!!) every day.

An SUV not parked in an adequate spot
u/Thirstybadger69 / Via reddit.com

27.And this person parks in the handicap spot every day despite not having a handicap, even if other spots are open. According to OP, "she will sit in a spot nearby till it opens to make sure she can claim it if it's blocked for whatever reason."

a car parked in a handicap spot
u/alexlove13 / Via reddit.com

28.This woman, who took a work Zoom call without headphones in a hotel bar.

"I just wanted a quiet coffee...."
u/feckthis3 / Via reddit.com

29.This person, who left a negative review after THEY told someone they didn't care about their cancer.

"I'm sorry if you were having a bad day, but your disregard for other people, as well as for your own children, was truly appalling."
u/MayuMayhem / Via reddit.com

30.This person, who leaves all their shoes in the communal hallway outside their apartment because they don't care if it makes anyone else trip.

"So now I gamble with falling down stairs every day."
u/stfulmaog2g / Via reddit.com

31.This awful neighbor, who had the audacity to set up a fake "no stopping" sign outside someone else's house so that they could use it to park...despite already having a driveway to use.

Arrow pointing to someone's car
u/gavins-friend- / Via reddit.com

32.This woman, who had the audacity to complain that she was chewed out after her kid destroyed a waiting room.

"Disappointed in this business so badly."
u/Augusta13 / Via reddit.com

33.This person, who parked on a walkway so they could take photos next to the cherry blossoms.

a car parked on the grass
u/wats6831 / Via reddit.com

34.This person, who left a bad review because they didn't get any special treatment for it being their "babymoon."

Screenshot of someone's bad business review
u/eat-my-rice / Via reddit.com

35.These parents, who blocked a main way out of the neighborhood so they could secure a place for their kids to play on the street...then their kids didn't even end up playing on the street.

a car blocking an exit
u/shadowlira76 / Via reddit.com

36.This person, who seemed to be racist, on top of everything else.

"Asian landlord and bully neighbor issue"
u/DramaLlamaTea / Via reddit.com

37.And finally, this person, who also had the audacity to complain when they were clearly in the wrong.

"glad it wasn't you that was the idiot..."
u/planchetflaw / Via reddit.com