34 Hilarious People Who Must've Made Themselves Laugh So Freaking Hard

34 Hilarious People Who Must've Made Themselves Laugh So Freaking Hard

1.The person who hung this banner on their coworker's last day:

Banner across office cubicle reads "RUDE THAT YOU'RE LEAVING BUT OK", possibly a coworker's humorous farewell
u/Mercury90210 / Via reddit.com

2.The driver who took way too long to realize the drawing on the back of this gardening truck is not of two people sticking their butts together...but hands holding soil:

A gardening services sticker on a car that looks like two butts together
u/MakeMeFamous7 / Via reddit.com

3.And the, uh, enthusiastic lover who — after having sex — saw this on their phone:

Notifications showing sound recognition alerts for a dog barking multiple times
u/missedemeanor / Via reddit.com

4.The husband who decided to give this to his wife as a way to let her know he was in the mood:

Two novelty coins with inscriptions; top says “Best Screw in Town,” and bottom “Good For All Night.”
u/loveofGod12345 / Via reddit.com

5.The girlfriend who — when her boyfriend texted that they should go see Dune 2 — wrote back "We have Dune 2 at home" and attached this photo of their cat:

Two images: Top shows a cat hiding in a blue blanket, resembling a hooded figure. Bottom is a hooded character from "Dune: Part Two"
u/XxKegstandxX / Via reddit.com

6.And the boyfriend/modern-day Picasso who made a face out of his girlfriend's hair from the shower:

hair made into the shape of a face on a shower wall
u/walmartia / Via reddit.com

7.The person who — upon moving out of this house — left something behind in the crawlspace to surprise the new owners with:

a mannequin head in a crawlspace
u/plasma2002 / Via reddit.com

8.Whoever managed to get this joke onto a WGN news show:

TV screen showing a satirical list titled "Top Amish Porn Stars" with a fake name and photo of a man in Amish-style attire
u/Capn_Yoaz / Via reddit.com

9.The Taylor Swift fan who — because they were skipping work to see the Taylor concert — did a TV interview like this:

Person in oversized fuzzy costume with sunglasses being interviewed, caption mentions "TAYLOR SWIFT FAN" hiding identity
u/ebradio / Via reddit.com

10.And the person who told the surgery center their ride home was with their "dungeon master":

Form with handwritten details for post-surgery care, with sections for patient's responsible adult, relationship, and transport information
u/frankenbacon1 / Via reddit.com

11.The jokester who pulled a fast one on the DMV and got this vanity plate approved (try reading it upside down and backwards):

A license plate that spells "asshole" when read upside down and backwards
u/cruiserman_80 / Via reddit.com

12.The driver of this Porsche who also had a good laugh about their vanity plate:

Rear view of a sports car with the license plate "1.9 GPA" in traffic
u/lazyeye888 / Via reddit.com

13.And the cheeky bastard who wrote this on a sign outside a pub:

Sign outside a venue humorously states "ALL AMERICANS Must BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT."
u/Sans010394 / Via reddit.com

14.The smart-ass kid who had this response when a test problem asked them how they knew the answer:

Child's math worksheet with handwritten answer: "I just know" in response to "Tell how you know."
u/xskysoblue / Via reddit.com

15.The person who baked this cookie, then decided the poor feller was just too sad to eat:

A chocolate chip cookie with a pattern that resembles a frowning face
u/HeraldOrdeal / Via reddit.com

16.And the person who ordered this jar so they'd never be "all out":

a jar with the label "fucks to give"
u/Nameless8615 / Via reddit.com

17.These buddies who like to do everything together:

Two men jokingly pose using the same urinal
u/girlsonejake / Via reddit.com

18.The person who sat behind this guy and cracked up before snapping this photo:

An individual on a bus sits in front of an anti-graffiti ad showing handcuffed hands
u/SophiaMendle4u / Via reddit.com

19.And the kid who made this shadow (how have I never seen anyone do this in all my life? LOL):

a child making a shadow of a frog on the ground
u/getnoteit / Via reddit.com

20.The Pizza Hut employee who went all Weird Al and changed the lyrics to Papa Roach's "Last Resort":

"Cut my life into pizzas"
u/Builder_13rad / Via reddit.com

21.The (I'm assuming) single mom who put this on her car:

Family stick figure decal on a car, indicating a mom, vibrator, and one child, alongside a license plate
u/Thejonest / Via reddit.com

22.And the adults who put this on their car, too:

Sticker on a car window reads "ADULTS ON BOARD, WE WANT TO LIVE TOO!", parody of baby on board signs
u/Rob-a-bob-bob / Via reddit.com

23.The guy who put googly eyes on his fiancée's tampons and then waited for her reaction when she went into the bathroom:

Tampons with googly eyes on them
u/bobobobobobooo / Via reddit.com

24.The patient who — when their doctor asked how their back felt — showed them THIS photo:

Ancient tree with a trunk resembling a man bending over in pain
u/pysoul / Via reddit.com

25.And the person who almost definitely snorted and said "Nice" before snapping this photo:

Digital sign outside Fairfield Area Library displaying time as 4:20 PM and temperature as 69°F
u/ternera / Via reddit.com

26.The artist who painted this giant duckie on a painting they found in the trash:

Framed painting of a cheerful cartoon duck in a winter landscape with a cabin and trees
u/KittenBraden / Via reddit.com

27.The college student who had a little fun doctoring this "TOBACCO FREE CAMPUS" sign on campus:

Sign on brick wall stating campus is tobacco-free, banning use of such products, but someone made it spell "TACO"
u/ittmuslozenge / Via reddit.com

28.And the librarian who arranged this perfectly on-point display:

Sign on empty bookstore shelf reads "National Procrastination Week March 1-7"
u/JavaJapes / Via reddit.com

29.The funny person who made this pancake art of Shaquille O'Neal:

Pancake art of a surprised Shaquile O'neil's face
u/FlippinArtDude / Via reddit.com

30.The American shopper who snickered every time they saw this product in a German grocery store:

"Dickmilch yogurt"
u/Quality-control_NOgo / Via reddit.com

31.And whoever wrote the description on this T-bone steak:

Packaged T-bone steak with a label jokingly stating "humanely raised but occasionally verbally abused."
u/Nameless_SOoul / Via reddit.com

32.The person who snapped this hilariously distorted shot of their cat:

A cat peeks through a transparent bowl on a table, looking curious, in a domestic setting
u/RebekahRave / Via reddit.com

33.The shopper who — after picking up this trio of embarrassing items — saw the self checkout was closed:

A hand holds a bottle of Neutrogena T/Sal shampoo next to a container of Vaseline and a pack of Odor-Eaters insoles on a store shelf
u/ethree / Via reddit.com

34.And the wife who — when her husband complained he couldn't tell the difference between the salt and pepper shakers on the left — replaced them with the equally confusing ones on the right:

Four modern salt and pepper grinders on a kitchen counter
u/Happymammaries / Via reddit.com

HT: r/funny