33 Hilarious Photos Of Grandmas Being So, So, So Damn...GRANDMA

33 Hilarious Photos Of Grandmas Being So, So, So Damn...GRANDMA

Ah, grandmas...at their best, they make you feel so loved and always have your back. But — if we're being real — they can also be a little kooky, and are most definitely their own breed.

An elderly lady with curly hair, wearing sunglasses and pearl earrings, humorously applies lipstick while looking into a pink handheld mirror

So, here are 33 grandma photos that are just so, so, so hilariously relatable:

1.First, venturing into a grandma's kitchen is always an adventure. You will find things you can't believe, like this can of salt someone found in their grandma's cupboard that expired in 1965!!!:

A canister of Shur Fine iodized salt with a red and yellow label is shown. The canister appears aged with some signs of wear and expiration date visible at the bottom
u/cswimc / Via reddit.com

2.Even wilder? This grandma mistook her iPad for a cutting board and began using it to cut up her food:

Partially eaten cake topped with sliced almonds and frosting, placed on a blue cutting board on a kitchen counter
u/IonnaTrailer / Via reddit.com

3.Grandmas will also fill their kitchen with food they've heard you like, but they don't always get it right...like when this grandma was told her grandchild loved sour cream and onion chips:

A tub of Daisy sour cream and a bag of Funyuns onion flavored rings sit on a wooden table, possibly ready for a snack or meal
u/spcmnspff335 / Via reddit.com

4.That's not to say grandmas won't have good treats...they almost certainly will! Like this Italian grandma who refuses to go anywhere without her suitcase filled with delicious meats:

Open cooler on a kitchen counter filled with various meats, cheese slices, and a wrapped baguette. Peaches and newspapers are in the background
u/20dollarchill / Via reddit.com

5.Or this grandma who brings extra bacon from home to make her BLT extra bacon-y:

A person at a restaurant dining table holds a sandwich. On the table are a glass, crackers, bacon, napkins, and chips. Another person is partially visible
u/tuzr / Via reddit.com

6.But while grandmas CAN bring the goods, you should be careful with the food some of them make:

  u/HOLD_MY_POCKETS / Via reddit.com
u/HOLD_MY_POCKETS / Via reddit.com

7.As you might've gathered from the iPad photo above, grandmas aren't the quickest adopters of technology. This one got an Apple Watch, but refused to abandon her tried and true watch she's probably had for 40 years:

An elderly person's hands are seen on a table, one hand wearing a smartwatch and a bracelet, a white takeout container, a mug, and food containers are nearby
u/Homebarcocktails / Via reddit.com

8.Yep, when it comes to technology, grandmas tend to like to keep things simple:

TV remote control with handwritten labels on pink tape for buttons like ON/OFF and PBS: 522, held in someone's hand, suggesting customization for ease of use
u/JoKer730 / Via reddit.com

9.I don't know why this is the case, but there seems to be a law somewhere requiring all grandmas to have a creepy doll in their house (like this one belonging to someone's grandma):

Ventriloquist dummy wearing a suit and bow tie, sitting on a bed propped up against pillows
u/SilentWalrus92 / Via reddit.com

10.Now, I don't mean to paint with too broad a stroke — not all grandmas are the same. Some, for example, are super religious...like this grandma who, when her apartment gets too cold, covers Jesus with a blanket so he can stay warm:

A cluttered interior scene with a towel hanging on a wall, a picture frame, artificial pink flowers, and various household items on a nearby table
u/hunglikeacuban / Via reddit.com

11.These grandmas tend to be very prim and proper, and HIGHLY offended by any obscenity...like this grandma who replaces swears in her books with more appropriate words:

Page from the book "Two for the Dough" showing a conversation between characters, with a focus on a missing VCR and jewelry
u/puckumiss91 / Via reddit.com

12.These grandmas will do things like make candlestick cookies...without it occurring to them that they might look inappropriate in any way, shape, or, um, form:

A candle shaped like a cylinder with wax dripping down sits on a red surface decorated with sprinkles. The background includes an out-of-focus lit candle
u/furzigel / Via reddit.com

13.They might also have a cactus in their home like this one, but God help you if you make a joke about it, because they'll insist "IT IS JUST A CACTUS, EMMA!":

A potted cactus with a bright pink flower sits on a table near an angel statue. The scene is indoors with some other household items in the background
u/UndrcovrRogue / Via reddit.com

14.And if they have a box in their home marked "DICK PIX," they will take great offense if you snicker...because it's just filled with photos of their husband Dick (fully clothed, of course):

A storage container labeled "Dick Pix" is placed on a shelf
u/tk1712 / Via reddit.com

15.Other grandmas secretly (or not so secretly) have a raunchy side, like this grandma who hid this sexy Einstein behind her pots and pans:

Painting of a muscular, shirtless older man with gray hair and a mustache, posing with a tattoo on his arm, surrounded by kitchen canisters
u/L0rdtater / Via reddit.com

16.This grandma who has an, uh, interesting poem on display in her bathroom:

Plaque in a bathroom with a poem about God making little boys and girls, detailing they were made with string and lace respectively, balanced with a touch of humor
u/Tyler420Jackson / Via reddit.com

17.And this grandma who wrote a novel with some spicy dialogue:

Page from a book with circled text. Title: Chapter One. Circled text is a dialogue between characters discussing riding horses and kids loving them
u/ChalkyWhite23 / Via reddit.com

18.These grandmas tend to have a weird statue in their home with a...surprise...like this one with a removable shield:

A wooden sculpture depicts an indigenous warrior with a spear, wearing a helmet, and holding a shield. The sculpture is decorated with flowers in the background
u/KirriLidian / Via reddit.com

19.Or this statue of a priest that gets — shall we say — excited when you pull up his head:

Two-paneled image showing a wooden figurine in a suit. The top panel displays the figurine standing alone, and the bottom panel shows the head being removed

20.Hey, the penis statues may be weird, but they are an example of something most grandmas have in common...a good sense of humor! Like this grandma who labeled her light switches:

Light switch panel with switches labeled "Russia?" "Fan" "Kitchen" and "Living Room."
u/BlehBlueHippo / Via reddit.com

21.This grandma who — after her grandson joked he wanted 100 things from the dollar store for Christmas — made it happen:

A child sits on a couch with a plate of food, surrounded by numerous wrapped presents, likely indicating a festive or holiday occasion
u/AceWayne4 / Via reddit.com

22.This grandma who surprised everyone by putting these coasters out one day (you KNOW she has a penis statue somewhere in her house):

A photo of a coaster on a table that reads, "DON'T FUCK UP THE TABLE," placed in a holder. A living room setup is visible in the background
u/tatsmith / Via reddit.com

23.And this grandma who included quite the keychain (lol!) in her grandchild's birthday card:

Birthday card reading "Happy Birthday with love. XOXO Love Grandma & Grandpa Duke" with a keychain that says, "Don't Do Stupid Shit. Love, Grandma."
u/GoshtoshOfficial / Via reddit.com

24.This sense of humor often means they will send you funny (but random) photos of their pets, like this grandma with a big livin' dog:

A small dog is playfully surrounded by numerous 100 dollar bills scattered on a couch
u/clt96 / Via reddit.com

25.And this grandma who enlists help from her cat to wish loved ones a happy birthday:

A cat named Dennis wears a festive hat with flowers and a green collar, holding a sign that says "Happy Birthday Dennis" in a home setting
u/Ska_Jones / Via reddit.com

26.A whole lot of grandmas also LOOOOVE to knit or crochet, like this one who crocheted her grandkid a Chewbacca bath mat:

A crochet wall hanging featuring Chewbacca from Star Wars, carefully detailed with a blaster in hand
u/xenocide321 / Via reddit.com

27.This grandma who crocheted a spare tire cover for her grandkid's Jeep:

A Jeep with a crocheted cover on the spare tire is parked in a lot. A yellow Tacoma Dodge dealership plate is attached to the spare tire cover
u/Neverstillcreations / Via reddit.com

28.And this grandma who knitted some no-holds-barred advice:

Cross-stitch pattern with the humorous message: "Everything happens for a reason, sometimes that reason is you're stupid and make bad choices."
u/threatlevelmidnight_ / Via reddit.com

29.This grandma, meanwhile, knitted her chicken a sweater (she lives in Missouri, if you were wondering):

A person holds a chicken dressed in a knit Santa hat and beard costume outdoors on a sunny day, with trees and a field in the background
u/grimes386 / Via reddit.com

30.And this grandma uses her car to brag about her knitting:

Rear view of a car with a Virginia license plate reading "KNITTA" and a bumper sticker saying "Stay alive. Don't knit and drive."
u/beyond-giving-a-shit / Via reddit.com

31.Of course, no post about grandmas would be complete without mentioning how they ask their grandkids to come over and help them with things...like this grandma who asked her grandkid to look at her dryer because it was making a "slight clanging noise" (the culprit turned out to be nearly $20 in change!):

Stacks of various U.S. coins, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, are organized on a wooden surface
u/TankHead74 / Via reddit.com

32.And this poor, mortified grandma who had to ask her grandkid to fix her TV when it somehow got stuck on this:

A television screen displays a Pay-Per-View menu for an event titled "Amateur Sex Obsession" priced at $9.99, scheduled for July 26
u/kmaffett1 / Via reddit.com

33.Ah, grandmas! They're the best! Even (or especially?) when they accidentally buy a marijuana-themed umbrella:

Parents and children walk together, with children carrying school backpacks. An adult holds an umbrella with a leaf pattern, protecting from rain
u/monolife / Via reddit.com

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