25 Screenshots Of Older People Who Created Unintentionally Hysterical Christmas Greetings

1.This Christmas mystery:

"last night we had 2 men on bikes ring our bell..."

2.This unique Christmas card sign-off:

"We wish you a very happy Christmas..."

3.This unintentionally hilarious comment that, for some reason, ended up on an Amazon Music ad:

"but a new year is close."
u/ler888 / Via reddit.com

4.This person not looking for a comment back:

love everybody on earth please let there be peace signing off don't comment back
u/ClownKisses / Via reddit.com

5.This holiday tradition:

"this is a penis gingerbread house kit"

6.This direct call-out:

someone calling out specific family members for not showing up for their christmas gathering
u/littlemohican / Via reddit.com

7.This festive Google greeting:

merry wishes wit a link for a google search of merry christtmas
u/gdawg99 / Via reddit.com

8.This person who has had ENOUGH of the Christmas spirit:

"Unfollow block"

9.This not-so-festive family update:

"Take care of yourselves & your parents."

10.This Christmas card with a bombshell of a footnote:

"Tom has lung cancer"

11.This person who is veryyy passionate about Christmas lights:

"they will be wishing they could remember the way mom and grandma did them..."

12.This Christmas greeting that seems to feature a generic grandson stock photo from the internet:

"images of grandson"

13.This Christmas confusion:

"Do I know you?"

14.This pressing Christmas question:

was tesla celibate his whole life but once fell in love with a pigeon?
u/icorrectotherpeople / Via reddit.com

15.This unclear but grateful message:

text message thanking someone for the christmas presents but with random phrases like green arrow inserted throughout
u/_ana_banana__ / Via reddit.com

16.This informative Christmas card:

on oct 8th i had to have my left kidney removed written on the card
u/JillyBeef / Via reddit.com

17.This cheeky reply to a unique choice of Bitmoji:

"missing my mom"

18.This post that had the spirit, just not the execution:

message says merry christmas pictures
u/erinaldi20 / Via reddit.com

19.This seasonal soliloquy:

someone going on a rant about it being christmas so even if you live by yourslef you should live and adopt a dog and that jesus is totally awesome
u/nmgvla94 / Via reddit.com

20.This misplaced comment:

somepne trying to write a bad review for a company abd then also leaving a comment underneath to wish their family merry christmas
u/caitlinrb / Via reddit.com

21.This update that probably should've been a private message:

"She will be missed"

22.This unclear response:

someone sent a merry christmas text and the other person responded with jo jo johnson
u/DigitalOrchestra / Via reddit.com

23.This comment that was probably meant for another post:

someone leaving a merry christmas comment on a post about a woman almost dying in a tornado
u/embracingfit / Via reddit.com

24.This overshare:

merry christmas, isoble. home nursing a ear infection
u/TonicKraken / Via reddit.com

25.And, these warm wishes under a meme:

comment to please say happy christmas to the family left under text that reads napping is a date
u/ajphil100 / Via reddit.com

H/T: r/oldpeoplefacebook