24 Quick Dessert Recipes You Can Make in a Pinch

Have a sweet treat in under an hour.

<p>Antonis Achilleos</p>

Antonis Achilleos

Some days you’re ready to channel your inner Great British Bake Off contestant and whip up a tiered cake or a fruit pie with a picture-perfect lattice top, and other days you just want a no-fuss treat. For those days when you don’t have a ton of time to spare, we’ve compiled this roundup of quick dessert recipes you can make for any occasion. The vast majority of these desserts, such as a Chocolate Raspberry Skillet Cake and a batch of Brownie Batter Babka Bites, come together in under an hour, including any baking and cooling time. As you’ll see, the hands-on time required from you is often much less, making these desserts the ideal confections to whip up in a pinch. So, whether you need a last-minute dessert for an office potluck, or an easy treat to bring to the school bake sale, we’ve got you covered with these 24 recipes!

Related: 11 Delicious Desserts You Won't Believe Are Actually Healthy-ish

Sweet Tahini and Date Truffles

<p>Victor Protasio</p>

Victor Protasio

All you need is five ingredients (plus flaky salt) to make these gorgeous, rich sesame-almond-date truffles that are ready in just 45 minutes. Each one boasts a marzipan-like texture from the almond flour, and a subtle bitterness from the tahini and chocolate. If you’re really pressed for time, you can go ahead and make these treats ahead of time so they’re ready when you need ‘em.

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Pumpkin Bread Trifle With Pepita Streusel

<p>Antonis Achilleos</p>

Antonis Achilleos

A cream cheese-spiked trifle with a pumpkin spice streusel? Yes, please. You’ll start by baking a simple loaf of pumpkin bread. Then, bake a crumbly and sweet streusel made with flour, sugar, butter, pumpkin pie spice, and pepitas for some delightful crunch, and don’t forget the sweetened cream cheese, which is the glue that holds this confection together. And believe it or not, the whole thing is ready in 55 minutes.

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Gingerbread Pretzel Popcorn

Each kernel of this festive popcorn is slathered with a vanilla caramel sauce made with cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg for a flavor that's reminiscent of freshly baked gingerbread cookies. This recipe calls for just 35 minutes of hands-on-work, and is ready to eat in a little over an hour.

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Potato Chip Crispy Treats

Antonis Achilleos
Antonis Achilleos

Let’s be honest, crispy treats never disappoint, and these are ready in a little over an hour. In this recipe, the classic kids’ treat boasts a white chocolate drizzle and pieces of crushed wavy potato chips in each bite. The chips, which are a welcome addition, keep this easy dessert from being cloyingly sweet like the crispy treats you devoured as a child.

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Summer Berry Trifle With Elderflower Cream

Greg DuPree
Greg DuPree

Believe it or not, this picture-perfect dessert is ready in just 15 minutes. This treat boasts layers of elderflower-spiked whipped cream, fresh summer berries, and crushed cookies, which soak up the berry juices until they're perfectly soft. Opt for several different types of berries, such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, to make this dessert especially delicious.

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Honey Whole Wheat-Strawberry Clafoutis

Kelsey Hansen
Kelsey Hansen

This typical French dessert is ready in just 50 minutes. It’s made with whole-wheat flour, sweetened with honey, and packed with fresh strawberries. While a nice crust forms on the outside, the inside of this picture-perfect confection remains deliciously custardy. Just make sure you serve this treat immediately, as the center will sink as it cools.

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Mini Pumpkin Pies With Speculoos Crust and Whipped Cream

Jennifer Causey
Jennifer Causey

If you don't feel like whipping up an entire pumpkin pie, try these mini desserts that require just 30 minutes of your time. Here, each small pie features a press-in crust made with Speculoos cookies, as well as spicy sweet pumpkin filling. The pies also get a kick from grated fresh ginger, but it mellows under a pillowy dollop of whipped cream.

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Pan de Elote


Ready in just over an hour, this Mexican cornbread recipe comes from food blogger Esteban Castillo. Since the recipe calls for less flour and sweetened condensed milk, this dish tastes more like a pound cake than traditional cornbread. As you may have guessed, this means each slice is rich and creamy with a tight but tender crumb.

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Apple Cider Doughnut Tower

Jennifer Causey
Jennifer Causey

Why have just one apple cider doughnut when you can make an apple cider doughnut tower in just 20 minutes? To assemble this masterpiece, you’ll procure some doughnuts (perhaps from your favorite orchard or farmer’s market) and whip together some cream with cream cheese and maple syrup. That combo acts as the glue that holds the tower together, while store-bought caramel sauce and chopped pecans top the whole thing.

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Popcorn Bars

Jennifer Causey
Jennifer Causey

Consider this 40-minute dessert recipe a unique take on rice crispy treats. Here, popcorn, butter, marshmallows, pretzels, and peanuts all join together to make addictively crunchy, chewy squares. What we love about this easy recipe is that you can customize it to your liking. Go ahead and experiment by folding in some potato chips in place of half the pretzels, or substituting half a cup of chocolate chips for half the peanuts. 

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Related: 12 Recipes For Bar Cookies You Can Make to Feed a Crowd

Chocolate Raspberry Skillet Cake

Samantha Seneviratne
Samantha Seneviratne

This 55-minute skillet cake is a great way to put your raspberry stash to good use. If you don't have the graham flour that this recipe calls for, just use whole wheat flour instead. The berries will still pull their weight and make this dessert delectable.

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Dark Chocolate Coconut Tartlets

Jennifer Causey
Jennifer Causey

While it may be hard to believe that just 25 minutes stands between you and these cute tartlets, we promise that’s the case. The shredded coconut crust is piled high with nutty chocolate filling that includes your go-to nut butter, and this recipe gives you an excuse to dust off your mini muffin pan.

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Salty-Sweet Chunkers



Ready in just 50 minutes, these chewy cookies are loaded with mix-ins that will satisfy just about anyone. These include pretzels, oats, mini marshmallows, chocolate mints and white chocolate chips, providing the perfect sweet and savory balance.

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Apple Coffee Cake Twist With Giant Crumbs

Brie Passano
Brie Passano

The sweet-and-spicy cinnamon crumb topping is unquestionably the best part of any coffee cake. So naturally, we made it the star of this 55-minute dessert. Here, the big, buttery crumbs sit atop an elegant crescent roll twist, which is more striking to serve (and simpler to bake) than a traditional coffee cake.

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Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Betty Gold
Betty Gold

Cinnamon is at its best here, as it is joined by a fluffy, tender base and a glaze that’s sweet but not too sweet thanks to the inclusion of cream cheese. These 30-minute pastries are most delicious right out of the oven, but you can also heat up any leftovers in the microwave for a very similar effect.

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Honeydew and Blackberry Ice Cream Sundaes

Don't skip this sundae recipe, especially since it’s ready to eat in just 35 minutes. You'll start by stirring together a sesame-almond brittle that's infused with honey, and then nestle scoops of blackberry ice cream with honeydew melon. And if you love a little crunch, you'll be pleased to know that this dessert is topped with shards of sweet brittle and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt.

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Vegan Blueberry Cookies

Justine Eats
Justine Eats

Good vegan desserts can be hard to find, but these cookies fit the bill and are ready to eat in under an hour. The bold hue is thanks to thawed frozen blueberries, while sweet white chocolate chips stud each cookie. When baking, we suggest using a stand or hand mixer to break up the blueberries. This will help ensure that the fruit is fully incorporated into the rest of the wet ingredients. 

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Mexican "Fried" Ice Cream

Jen Causey
Jen Causey

When making this popular treat, the only ingredient that gets fried is the panko crumbs. Then you stir in sugar, salt, and cinnamon, and it's time to roll balls of ice cream in it! Drizzle with honey and serve right away for a unique dessert that’s ready in just 35 minutes.

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Brownie Batter Babka Bites

Brie Passano
Brie Passano

What do you get when you combine brownies and babka? These bite-size treats, of course! Each one features a beautiful golden hue, thanks to an egg wash, and has just the right amount of flaky sea salt for balance. These are best served warm, straight from the oven, which shouldn’t be too difficult considering they only take 35 minutes to make.

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White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Scones

White chocolate and macadamia nuts is a proven winning combo in cookies, so it's no surprise that the duo is right at home between the flaky layers of a scone. Each scone is blanketed in a buttery caramel glaze, a few more macadamia nuts for crunch, and some flakes of sea salt for an elegant finish. It’s no surprise that these treats are ready in just 30 minutes.

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Related: 26 Easy Cold Weather Recipes to Make This Winter That’ll Fight Frigid Temps

Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats

Jennifer Causey
Jennifer Causey

Not only is this dessert ready in 30 minutes, it’s incredibly easy to make. There are just four high-quality ingredients here: finely chopped bittersweet chocolate bars, coconut oil, crispy rice cereal, and flaky sea salt. Call them a grown-up version of Rice Krispy Treats, which are fun to eat all year round.

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Chocolate Bark With Dried Fruit and Spices

Josh Wand
Josh Wand

Sure, you can buy chocolate bark, but if you have 40 minutes to spare you can make it yourself. This bark is studded with dried apricots and figs, and flavored with cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper. To make sure the chocolate stays shiny and smooth, add a bit of shortening to the mix.

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Winter Citrus Pavlova

<p>Greg DuPree</p>

Greg DuPree

What's better than grabbing an orange creamsicle in a pinch? An equal-parts crispy and chewy dessert that takes just like one—but arguably better. This dessert takes a couple of hours to make, but most of those hours are just for letting it chill. There's not a whole lot of elbow grease that goes into this dessert otherwise. It boils down to combining eggs and sugar to create ribbons of meringue, coating it with whipped cream, and sprinkling it with citrus.


Peanut Ice Cream Sandwiches

Christopher Baker
Christopher Baker

You can easily throw together these peanut ice cream sandwiches together in a pinch because (secret's out) you don't actually need to bake anything—unless you want to bake the cookies from scratch. Otherwise, just grab some store-bought peanut butter cookies, and smoosh them together with peanut-sprinkled vanilla ice cream.


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