I'm Literally Crying While Scrolling Through These Before And After Pics Of Rescued Pets

I don't know if it's the holiday season, but my emotions are all over the place. So, whenever I need to feel something, I run right over to the "BeforeNAfterAdoption" subreddit where families are encouraged to share photos of their rescued animals. Here are pets whose lives have been forever changed by a good home:

1.Little Musia here was found in -20-degree weather after her owner passed away.

Closeup of a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

Luckily, a foster mom found her, took her to a vet, and successfully placed her in a new home.

closeup of a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

2.Daisy was brought home from the shelter with a cone.

closeup of a dog in a car with a cone
plantgelina / Via reddit.com

Now she's living near a field of flowers.

a dog in a field
plantgelina / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog in a cone in a car
plantgelina / Via reddit.com

3.While in the shelter, this little guy had a hard time due to his feline infectious peritonitis diagnosis.

closeup of a cat
nixchix0r / Via reddit.com

Now he's completely cured!

closeup of a cat
nixchix0r / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
nixchix0r / Via reddit.com

4.Chichi was originally malnourished.

closeup of a dog
thehowsph / Via reddit.com

Now he's thriving!

closeup of a dog
thehowsph / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
thehowsph / Via reddit.com

5.Lola, a blind pup, was scared upon meeting her new owners.

closeup of a dog
FluffyLikesSocks / Via reddit.com

But now she's traveling the world.

closeup of a dog
FluffyLikesSocks / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
FluffyLikesSocks / Via reddit.com

6.Kenai was a very skinny boy.

closeup of a dog
xxDisturbed / Via reddit.com

Now he's well-fed and taken care of.

closeup of a dog
xxDisturbed / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
xxDisturbed / Via reddit.com

7.Tater was found with sunburnt skin, rummaging through his future family's backyard.

closeup of a dog
deadanonymously / Via reddit.com

Now that whole yard is his.

closeup of a dog
deadanonymously / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
deadanonymously / Via reddit.com

8.Koda's coat was in desperate need of attention when he was found.

closeup of a dog
zooglia / Via reddit.com

Now it's luxurious.

closeup of a dog
zooglia / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
zooglia / Via reddit.com

9.This little pup was found under a house.

closeup of a dog
Kelso11987 / Via reddit.com

Now he lives with a family.

closeup of a dog
Kelso11987 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
Kelso11987 / Via reddit.com

10.This cat was found abandoned in a warehouse.

closeup of a cat
chocolatfortuncookie / Via reddit.com

And look at her now!

closeup of a cat
chocolatfortuncookie / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
chocolatfortuncookie / Via reddit.com

11.This hen's feathers needed some TLC.

closeup of a hen
cowskeeper / Via reddit.com

Now she's got that and a few friends.

chickens in a coop
cowskeeper / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a hen
cowskeeper / Via reddit.com

12.This little girl was found in the street, and vets learned she had worms.

closeup of a cat
Nyx_Lycoris / Via reddit.com

Now she couldn't be better.

closeup of a cat
Nyx_Lycoris / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
Nyx_Lycoris / Via reddit.com

13.Luna was a stray.

closeup of a dog
DPEilla / Via reddit.com

Now she's a very spoiled house pet.

closeup of a dog
DPEilla / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
DPEilla / Via reddit.com

14.Kit Kat started off being very cautious.

closeup of a cat
B00k_Sniffer / Via reddit.com

Now she's a sweet, little thing.

closeup of a cat
B00k_Sniffer / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
B00k_Sniffer / Via reddit.com

15.Toothless had one of our most dramatic transformations.

closeup of a dog
Fantagrap3 / Via reddit.com

All he needed was grooming and a bit of love.

closeup of a dog
Fantagrap3 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
Fantagrap3 / Via reddit.com

16.Miss Tallulah Beans was only three-fourths of a pound when her new family found her.

closeup of a cat
niamhish / Via reddit.com

Now she's a healthy 3.3 pounds.

closeup of a cat
niamhish / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
niamhish / Via reddit.com

17.Cosmo was a skinny stray from Detroit.

a dog in a kennel
Marilyn989 / Via reddit.com

Look at that little face!

closeup of a dog
Marilyn989 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

a dog in a kennel
Marilyn989 / Via reddit.com

18.This little one was welcomed with open arms.

closeup of a cat
Leonardodecap / Via reddit.com

And even got a sibling as well.

closeup of two cats
Leonardodecap / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a cat
Leonardodecap / Via reddit.com

19.This little girl was in need of a haircut.

closeup of a dog
Lovely_Anna93 / Via reddit.com

And now she's all new.

closeup of a dog
Lovely_Anna93 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
Lovely_Anna93 / Via reddit.com

20.Persik was in need of rescue.

a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

And now he belongs to a large, loving family.

closeup of a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

a cat
ElectricalTravel1671 / Via reddit.com

21.And finally, this fella was found with very matted hair.

closeup of a dog
flatsensation / Via reddit.com

Now, his family says neighbors ask if he's the same dog who they welcomed years ago.

closeup of a dog
flatsensation / Via reddit.com

Before n' after:

closeup of a dog
flatsensation / Via reddit.com