17 Photos Of Christmas Gifts So Absurd You'll Feel Better About Your Own Gift-Giving Skills This Year

One of my greatest weaknesses in this life is that gift-giving is one of my love languages. I LOVE thinking of someone and getting them a niche gift to lighten up their life. The problem with that is it doesn't always land and puts so much 'effin pressure on a nice gesture for no reason.

Two people exchange a large gift wrapped in festive paper on a talk show set. One person is wearing antlers

So, in another endless scroll for gifts this year for the 27 very different personalities in my life, I found a solution to my worries. Come hither, fellow stressed-out gift-givers.

Woman in elf costume at a gift store counter, saying, "Come here. I wanna talk to you."

Sometimes, you just need to remember that there are wayyyy worse gift-givers out there than you. Like, no one received worse gifts than these guys (who I feel very, very, deeply sorry for):

(However, if you’re shopping for someone you secretly can’t stand, this list might be your goldmine.)

1.This woman who got just one, lone bottle of TJ's onion salt as a Christmas gift from her sister-in-law:

A jar of Trader Joe's Onion Salt on a countertop, labeled as "A Savory Allium Blend with a Touch of Salt."

2.This employee who participated in the work secret Santa, where everyone "got amazing heartfelt gifts," only to be gifted this bottle of car detailer:

Red bottle of Meguiar's Quik Detailer Mist & Wipe on a tiled surface
u/PennyLaneTheBeagle / Via reddit.com

3.This person who got a Christmas card filled with...glitter:

Inside of a Christmas card with glitter, reading: "Hope you feel the jolly all season long! Merry Christmas!" with handwritten names

4.And another person who participated in secret Santa, only to be gifted a jar of pickles, despite being allergic:

Jar of Great Value dill pickle spears held in a hand, close-up view

5.This 30-year-old man who asked for sports equipment from their secret Santa, just to be gifted this sparkly little diva wine shoe:

High-heeled shoe designed as a wine bottle holder, featuring intricate patterns

6.This person who got stuck with this "Freedom of Choice" Donald Trump chia pet at a white elephant gift exchange (it was not meant to be a gag gift exchange):

Chia Pet box featuring a bust of Donald Trump with instructions for growing green "hair" from seeds. American flag in the background

7.This person who gifted their boyfriend’s mom this throw blanket for her birthday, only for it to be regifted it back to them at Christmas:

Package of a luxury velvet throw blanket measuring 50 x 70 inches. Brand: Amari

8.This 44-year-old "200lbs+ heavily bearded dude" who was gifted these fuzzy wuzzy penguin PJs from his mother-in-law:

Woman wearing panda-themed pajamas, standing on a product tag labeled "Dream's Secret," featuring size options from S to XXL

9.This mother whose child was gifted a charcoal bath bomb:

Text conversation about a bathtub mess caused by charcoal bath bombs, with a photo showing the dirty tub

Giving bath "bomb" a whole new meaning.

u/Eldergild / Via reddit.com

10.This employee at a Fortune 500 company who, one year, was not gifted a Christmas bonus, but rather, hibiscus flower Post-It notes, two pieces of chocolate, a pen, and a coupon "good for one free jeans day" (complete with an expiration date):

Coupon for one free jean item with a snowman, holly, and space for a name; valid 12/16/16 to 4/30/17
u/apocalypse31 / Via reddit.com

11.And on the topic of bad gifts from bosses, this father whose only Christmas bonus from the company he's worked at for over 20 years was a $20 off coupon for a frozen turkey:

A check for $20.00 from Butterball via Bank of America, intended for deposit or payment
u/AdiosTinyToast / Via reddit.com

12.This person who got gifted a "magnetic spice rack" that promptly fell to the ground when said spice was placed on it:

A hand knocks over a spice jar resting on a wall-mounted shelf, showing instability
u/Nimindir / Via reddit.com

13.Ugh, these next three make me mad. This guy who battled alcoholism for years and quit drinking 19 months before Christmas, only to receive this from their in-laws:

Sign with silhouette of a beer bottle reads "Hoppy Beer Hoppy Life" inside a perforated frame
u/deleted] / Via reddit.com

14.Similarly in bad in-laws, this poor woman who received an anti-aging skincare set from her husband's parents after receiving "constant comments" from them that she looks older than her husband:

Gift set featuring Olay Regenerist Revitalising Cream Cleanser and Micro-Sculpting Cream for plumper, firmer skin. Package shows steps: Cleanse, Moisturise

15.And lastly in bad in-laws, a financially struggling terminal cancer patient who was "gifted" a $100 donation to the Nature Conservancy in their name from their mother-in-law for Christmas:

Gift tag with two owls: a $100 donation was made in your name to Nature Conservancy Canada

Why is it always the in-laws!?!?

u/Ghostytoastboast / Via reddit.com

16.Back to bad gifts from bosses — this person who received "Santa Pills," aka a bag of red M&M's, as their work "Christmas bonus":

Bag of red candies labeled "Santa Pills," with a note joking about them improving mood and relieving stress

17.And lastly, this person who works at "one of the top 10 fish companies in the world" who received a bag of expired fish oil supplements as a Christmas gift from work:

Lot number 450502 with a best-by date of August 2023 printed on packaging


u/Ok-Cicada-9985 / Via reddit.com

Got any other bad gifts to share? Or, how about some good ones?! Let us know in the comments!